The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2355 Envious of other people's girls

Chapter 2355 Envious of other people's girls

"I don't want to. There is a stranger staying in our house. I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. I can still take care of it, and my mother-in-law often comes to the house to help take care of it, and I am not so tired." What Lan Guo said was not so much tired.

But the person who was so anxious to find someone to help her hold the baby just now was herself.

Zhou Tangtang didn't bother to persuade her, after all, Lan Guo's expression was that she had made up her mind, so it was useless for her to persuade her.

In fact, Zhou Tangtang also admires Lan Guo.

The little princess who used to be very precious in her family is willing to take care of the two children herself. It seems that this is the power of love in the legend.

Because you love someone, you are willing to help him have children, raise children, and take care of the family.

Lan Guo really paid a lot for this.

Fortunately, Miyazawa is also a good person. He knows that Lan Guo has worked hard, and he rarely participates in activities and programs recently. He will never travel for more than two days. He usually only participates in some activities in Jincheng.

The milk powder money still has to be earned.

Then every day when I get home, I will take care of the children with Lan Guo.

Zhou Tangtang sat down with the baby in her arms, and Lan Guo sat beside her and asked curiously: "Tangtang, I'm curious, how can you still be in such good shape after giving birth? How did you do it? You Teach me, I have a pile of meat on my stomach."

Speaking of this, Lan Guo's face was full of sadness.

She gave birth to two babies at once. Although she saved a lot of time for giving birth than others, but because she was pregnant with two children, her belly was much bigger than others, so now it is very difficult to restore her previous figure. difficult things.

"My mother taught me this, but it's a bit hard, can you bear it?" Zhou Tangtang asked.

"Yes, yes, of course, it must be possible!" Lan Guo immediately responded.

She didn't want to become a yellow-faced woman after giving birth, so how would she continue to catch Gong Ze in the future?

She has to regain her figure.

Although Miyazawa often told her that he didn't care about these things at all, Lan Guo still took this matter to heart.

Which woman does not want to be beautiful forever.

She has to work hard.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask my mother to tell you later that this is the kind of thing she likes to take care of the most when she's too busy recently. It just so happens that she's teaching my sister-in-law to get back in shape, so you can just form a team with her."

"Your sister-in-law..." Lan Guo fell into deep thought, seeming to be thinking seriously.


"Oh, Linlin is just Linlin, I didn't realize you suddenly called me sister-in-law." Lan Guo finally understood, "If I'm with Linlin, it's just right, I also have a friend."

"Yes." Zhou Tangtang said with a smile, then lowered her head to tease Gong Xin in her arms.

Gong Xin is small, but extraordinarily delicate and cute.

Xia Linlin gave birth to a boy named Zhou Yucheng.

Zheng Jiamei also gave birth to a boy named Huangfuyu.

There are six children here, but only two girls. It seems that girls are precious.

"Tangtang, you see how cute the family's daughter is, don't you?"

I don't know when Han Yichen came behind her, and he was leaning on her back and poking his head out to tease Gong Xin in her arms.

When Han Yichen saw other people's daughters every day, he felt envious.

The word envy has basically been written on his face, clearly and clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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