The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2364 You have to learn to protect Yan'er

Chapter 2364 You have to learn to protect Yan'er
Zhou Tangtang poked Han Mujun's little head with his index finger: "How can you be childish all the time at such a young age? You are only three years old, so you should be childish."


"Hurry up, Brother Junjun, otherwise we will be late for kindergarten. If you are embarrassed, then let me take you." Yin Yan'er looked very generous.

He even took the initiative to sign Han Mujun's hand.

Bai Xiaoyan really couldn't bear to watch it any longer: "Baby, as a girl, can you be a little more reserved?"

Yin Yan'er tilted her head, and asked curiously: "Mommy, what is Jinchi?"

She couldn't even pronounce the word, let alone understand its meaning.

Doesn't exist, okay?
Zhou Tangtang quickly gave Bai Xiaoyan a hand: "Now is not the time to talk about this, hurry up, the most important thing is to let the two children go to school."

While talking, Zhou Tangtang winked vigorously to let Bai Xiaoyan see Yin Yan'er and Han Mujun's little hands holding each other.

Han Mujun didn't look like he wanted to break free, but he accepted it so readily.

Zhou Tangtang didn't expect that either.

Since Han Mujun would accept it so readily, can it be explained that he is actually a man of integrity.

When Bai Xiaoyan saw this scene, she immediately smiled like a flower.

My daughter has been chasing after Han Mujun since she was able to crawl, until she was so old, and finally happily took Han Mujun's hand to go to kindergarten.

Bai Xiaoyan didn't want to care about whether she was reserved or not, of course it was the most important thing for her daughter to be happy.

Zhou Tangtang and Bai Xiaoyan took the two children into the car and sent them to the kindergarten.

This is the best bilingual kindergarten in Jincheng, also known as Noble Kindergarten. The tuition fee here is beyond the imagination of many people, but it seems that it is not within the scope of Zhou Tangtang's consideration.

What they consider the most, of course, is that it is best for children to learn more knowledge.

After sending the two children to the kindergarten, Zhou Tangtang squatted in front of Han Mujun and said earnestly: "Now Yan'er goes to the same kindergarten as you. She is younger than you and is a girl. Do you remember what Mommy told you? Ever? What are girls?"

Han Mujun: "Little princess."

Zhou Tangtang nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, how about you, you are a little man, so you must protect Yan'er, understand?"

Han Mujun: "I know."

Han Mujun always keeps his word, even though he is still young, Zhou Tangtang still believes in him.

After he agreed so seriously, Zhou Tangtang felt relieved.

Zhou Tangtang touched Han Mujun's hair, and said with a smile: "Well, our Junjun is the best, you two go."

"Mommy, beautiful auntie, goodbye~"

Yin Yan'er also said to Zhou Tangtang and Bai Xiaoyan.

Then Han Mujun dragged Yin Yan'er into the classroom.

Zhou Tangtang pulled Bai Xiaoyan out: "Xiaoyan, don't worry, our family Junjun will definitely take care of your family Yan'er, don't worry, finally sent those two little ancestors away, let's go Let's go shopping."

Hearing about shopping, Bai Xiaoyan immediately became interested: "Okay, okay, let's go, I just want to buy a bag, do you have any new models for me?"

"Must have, I just bought a few days ago, they are very beautiful, I will take you to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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