The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2371 Happy to see a pig

Chapter 2371 Happy to see a pig

Yin Yan'er didn't take what Bai Xiaoyan said to her heart at all, at the moment all she was thinking about was Han Mujun.

She is very handsome, brother Jun Jun.

"Mummy, don't stand here, hurry up, brother Junjun is gone! Let's catch up!" Yin Yan'er leaned forward in Han Mujun's direction as she spoke, thinking that she could hurry up It would be better to catch up with Han Mujun.

"Oh, I see."

Bai Xiaoyan has nothing to do with Yin Yan'er now, so she simply gave up struggling, and Yin Yan'er will do whatever she wants.

She hugged Yin Yan'er silently and followed the footsteps of Zhou Tangtang and Han Mujun.

Because Zhou Tangtang and Bai Xiaoyan went shopping together in the afternoon, they only took one car when they came, which belonged to Zhou Tangtang's family.

Bai Xiaoyan sat comfortably.

After Bai Xiaoyan and Yin Yan'er got into the car, the driver started the engine and set off.

"Go to Yin's house first, and then go home." Zhou Tangtang told the driver.

"Yes, ma'am."

After that, Zhou Tangtang and Bai Xiaoyan continued to chat about the beautiful bags and clothes they saw in the mall today.

Women have always been very interested in these things.

So it won't be annoying to talk about it every day.

The two chatted happily, Yin Yan'er and Han Mujun sat on their laps respectively.

Han Mujun was playing with an intellectual toy with his head down, while Yin Yan'er had nothing to do. He looked here and touched there along the way, making him seem extraordinarily active.

She is only a three-year-old child, and it is normal to be like this.

"Wow, the plane, brother Junjun, it's a plane!"


"Wow, that car is so tall!"

"..." No one paid any attention to her.

"Wow, there are pigs in this car, the pigs are so big and fat!"

"Where?" Han Mujun finally became interested.

He has only seen pigs as creatures in textbooks, and has never seen the real thing, so he is naturally a little curious.

Yin Yan'er didn't expect that she actually succeeded in attracting Han Mujun's attention, so she quickly and happily pointed out the car window and shouted: "Here, brother Junjun, piggy is here!"

She is also very proud.

After all, she discovered it first.

Han Mujun tried his best to look over.

Because Han Mujun's body was constantly leaning forward, Zhou Tangtang couldn't hold him, so he recovered from the chat with Bai Xiaoyan and asked Han Mujun in his arms, "Junjun, what are you doing?" ? What are you looking at?"


Han Mujun sums it up in one word.

It really does sound like a curse word.

Zhou Tangtang looked out of the car window, and there was indeed a car transporting pigs waiting for the traffic lights beside them.

It's just that after waiting for a while, the smell of the pig radiated into their car, getting heavier and heavier.

Yin Yan'er pinched her nose and said in disgust: "This smell really bad, pigs smell so bad."

Han Mujun nodded: "Yes."

The two children looked at each other and laughed, looking very happy.

The only people who can be happy about such a small thing are the children.

Zhou Tangtang looked at Han Mujun in her arms with a bright smile, and she felt very relieved. She still hoped that her child would be happy and peaceful. This is what she expected for Han Mujun.

Of course, it is also very important to marry a beautiful wife to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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