The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2378 Don't mention the word fat

Chapter 2378 Don't mention the word fat

"By the way, you will remember later, Han Mujun himself said today that he would quit drinking milk powder, so..."

Zhou Tangtang looked at him with disgust on his face: "Han Yichen, you can't do it, Junjun is just a child, you really care about him if you just talk about it?"

Han Yichen refused to accept: "How old is he, he is no longer a child!"

Just because he is a child can't say nothing.

Anyway, this is what Han Mujun himself said, so he should be responsible.

Anyway, he worked hard for his milk powder money, but in the end, that brat dared to compete with him, so he insisted on giving him some flair, so that he could feel better.

Zhou Tangtang ignored him and asked, "Look at it, how long is it?"

Han Yichen: "There are still a little more than 2 minutes."

Zhou Tangtang picked up a piece of refreshment on the coffee table and ate it. The time passed quickly, 2 minutes was just a matter of eating a small cake.

But I heard Han Yichen's kind reminder: "Tangtang, you will get fat if you eat small cakes at night."

The word fat is really sensitive to Zhou Tangtang.

It was something she absolutely didn't want to hear.

In an instant, it felt as if a thunderbolt had struck her head directly, leaving her burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

After giving birth to Han Mujun, Zhou Tangtang worked hard for a long time in order to restore her figure.

"Han Yichen, can you not mention this matter, I don't want to hear it." Although Zhou Tangtang said such words, the action of eating the small cake continued.

After all, the little cake is really delicious, and she really can't give it up.

"Is it really not allowed to mention it? You said that." Han Yichen asked seriously.

"Yes, I said so." Zhou Tangtang nodded and continued to eat the small cake.

Really delicious.

Until the 5-minute countdown alarm set on Han Yichen's phone rang.

Only then did Zhou Tangtang stop eating, and quickly looked at Han Mujun: "Stop, stop, the time has come."

Han Mujun handed her his tablet without any hassle.

Zhou Tangtang picked up the tablet and glanced at it, and it showed the words "clearance".

So in the time just now, Han Mujun really successfully cleared the game.

Really great.

Zhou Tangtang couldn't help sighing: "Han Mujun, you can do it, you're so powerful."

Once again, she really saw Han Mujun's IQ.

It's really great.

Han Mujun looked at her with a grin, with a smug smile on his face.

After all, he has been praised by others, and he is still very happy at his age.

"Okay, you can go upstairs to sleep now." Zhou Tangtang put the tablet aside, carried Han Mujun and went upstairs, and the nanny followed behind Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Tangtang carried Han Mujun to his own room, which also had an independent bathroom.

She helped Han Mujun take a bath with the nanny, and then the nanny soaked the milk powder that Han Mujun would drink every night, and prepared to hand it to Han Mujun.

Han Mujun's little hands have already been raised, and he is waiting to drink milk powder and go to sleep.

However, at the moment when his little hand was about to touch the feeding bottle, the feeding bottle that was already in front of him was snatched away.

"Who told you not to drink milk today? I'll take it for you." Han Yichen said, and took the bottle away.

At that moment, Han Mujun seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

(End of this chapter)

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