The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2402 Who helped her cover the little clothes

Chapter 2402 Who helped her cover the little clothes
Now that Han Mujun has helped her take over this task, Zhou Tangtang can sit and rest on the sofa with peace of mind.

Han Mujun took Yin Yan'er to the toy room to play, so that he would not disturb Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Tangtang swiped the web pages on her mobile phone, but she didn't expect that she could not help falling asleep while doing so.

This drowsiness is just about to come.

Really extraordinarily turbulent.

So Zhou Tangtang naturally couldn't control herself, and fell asleep on the sofa.

When she woke up again, she was covered with a small piece of clothing.

"Huh? Whose?" Zhou Tangtang looked at the clothes covering her body in a daze. How could such a small dress look so similar to Han Mujun's?

But after thinking about it carefully, my son is still so young, how could he understand this.

But if Han Yichen did it, wouldn't he be a little unreliable?
Just as Zhou Tangtang was racking his brains to think about what was going on, a figure came in at the entrance of the hall, it was Han Yichen.

Zhou Tangtang hurriedly picked up the little dress covering her body and shook it towards Han Yichen: "Han Yichen, did you cover me with this dress?"

When Zhou Tangtang said this, there was still a bit of disgust in Zhou Tangtang's tone.

If it was really Han Yichen, she would of course dislike her. She accidentally fell asleep and covered her with such a small piece of clothing. Was it because she was afraid that she would catch a cold?

If so, don't look for a bigger dress here!

What's the use of covering her with such a small one.

Han Yichen shook his head when he saw that little dress: "I just came back, isn't this Junjun's clothes?"

Zhou Tangtang nodded: "Yes."

As she said that, she had a troubled look on her face: "It can't be that Junjun built it for me, he is still so young."

"Probably." Han Yichen said with certainty.

Can think of someone who can cover her with such a small dress, who else but Han Mujun?
Zhou Tangtang picked up the small dress and looked at it carefully, it looked very familiar.

Zhou Tangtang: "This seems to be the jacket that Junjun is wearing today."

So at least it means that it was taken off Han Mujun's body.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tangtang quickly took his coat and went to the toy room to find Han Mujun.


Zhou Tangtang called Han Mujun's nickname and pushed open the door of the toy room.



Yin Yan'er and Han Mujun looked at Zhou Tangtang at the same time.

Zhou Tangtang saw Han Mujun without a coat.

She hurriedly took the coat to put on Han Mujun, and asked, "Junjun, why is your coat on Mommy's body?"

Han Mujun said coolly, "Because it's hot."

Zhou Tangtang: "Hot?"

Now that it's autumn and it's night, there's a tinge of coolness, how dare he tell her it's hot?
Yin Yan'er, on the other hand, immediately said, "Auntie, Brother Junjun said that he was afraid that Auntie would catch a cold when she fell asleep, so he took it off and put it on for Auntie. Brother Junjun is a good baby!"

As she said that, Yin Yan'er praised Han Mujun with both hands.

The kindergarten teacher said that if a child does something good, other children should praise him enthusiastically.

Yin Yan'er did what the kindergarten teacher said.

"Junjun, did you really build it for me?" Zhou Tangtang's tone was full of surprise.

I didn't expect my son to do such heart-warming things at such a young age.

(End of this chapter)

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