The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2411 I like to think wildly

Chapter 2411 I like to think wildly

When Zhou Tangtang said this, she couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"You, you like to think about it all day long. What are you talking about? We have been together for almost six years, and we have been married for almost four years. How dare you tell me about the newly married?"

Zhou Tangtang stared at him and asked, "So you don't think you're newly married anymore? Are you already getting bored?"

Because she was a little anxious, she tightly grasped the shirt on his chest with both hands.

That action seemed to force something out of his mouth.

Han Yichen said that his shirt would be deformed by her!
"Zhou Tangtang, are you a pig brain?" Han Yichen really couldn't help but swear, what does this little idiot think about every day.

They have been married for so many years, when did he dislike her?
Although Han Yichen seemed to be swearing, in fact he hugged Zhou Tangtang in his arms very tightly.

"With you, there will never be a newlywed or not. Every day is the same." When Han Yichen said it, his tone was sincere.

Naturally, he also wanted to let Zhou Tangtang know what he wanted.

He will never change for her.


Han Yichen only heard a soft murmur from the person in his arms, he looked down, Zhou Tangtang was already looking drowsy.

Even her "um" didn't know whether she really said it by herself or if she said it casually.

"Hey." Han Yichen sighed softly.

I also took Zhou Tangtang.

However, she was too tired after such a toss today, so he hugged her and lay on the bed, and the two of them fell asleep together.

the next day.

Zhou Tangtang slept until noon.

No one even came to call her.

Seeing the words 11:35 displayed on the phone, she was agitated for a while.

Why can't I control my sleep so much?
"Junjun, is Junjun well? Do you still have a fever?" Zhou Tangtang rushed into Han Mujun's room and began to ask various questions.

Of course she cared about Han Mujun.

In the end, when she entered Han Mujun's room, she didn't see anyone.

Han Mujun was not in his little bed.

"Ma'am." The nanny came in from the door, just in time to bump into Zhou Tangtang.

"Where is Junjun?"

Zhou Tangtang anxiously pointed to Han Mujun's crib and asked.

As if to say, where did my big son go?

That's her little heart!
"The young master didn't get the fever after he got up this morning. He was alive and well, and then he was clamoring to go to the kindergarten. The husband sent me to the kindergarten. He didn't disturb your sleep. He wanted you to sleep more." The nanny explained.

So Han Mujun is going to kindergarten.

Zhou Tangtang rubbed her chin and asked curiously, "Since when did he start going to kindergarten so diligently?"

She looked like Sherlock Holmes investigating a case at the moment.

I just wanted to know what was going on in my son's heart.

The nanny didn't understand these things, so she smiled and continued to do her own thing.

Zhou Tangtang felt left out.

She wandered around the house bored, and finally came to the kitchen, ordered the chef to make some snacks that the children love, and planned to visit their kindergarten at noon to see if Han Mujun still had a fever, and brought some snacks for the students by the way In the past, let everyone eat a little.

That way she won't be too boring.

At least there is something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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