The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2450 You Hit Me On Purpose

Chapter 2450 You Hit Me On Purpose
"You you you... what are you talking about!" Sister Wei Wei's trembling fingers could feel how hesitant and helpless she was at the moment.

What are these words, she is really going to faint!

"I want you."

As if afraid that sister Wei Wei might not be clear, Qi Hongyu repeated what he wanted to say again.

It's that simple and clear.

"You little bastard, can you talk through your brain? How dare you say anything!" Sister Wei Wei kicked Qi Hongyu directly on the chair that Qi Hongyu was sitting on. All unbelievable surprise vented out.

What the hell are these!

"What I said is true, Wei Wei, I like you." Qi Hongyu said suddenly, looking so serious when he spoke.

When he said this, he simply showed [-]% of his sincerity.

Not a bit of a lie.

"What nonsense are you talking about, shut up!" Wei Wei's heart was about to be turned upside down by this little bastard right now.

She was suddenly confessed by an artist under her banner. The point is that he is still a little kid so many years younger than her?
What the hell are they!

After hearing Sister Weiwei's roar, Qi Hongyu finally closed his mouth obediently, but those beautiful eyes kept staring at her, as if he wanted to get some response from her.

He really likes her.


When sister Wei Wei uttered the first word, Qi Hongyu looked at her expectantly.

Afterwards, I heard Sister Weiwei's words behind her: "Get out!"

After hearing the latter word, Qi Hongyu's starry eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

"Hurry up, get out, do you hear me!" Miss Wei Wei yelled at him again, she really couldn't face this guy for another minute.

He couldn't even figure out what he was thinking.

Qi Hongyu's eyes were full of loneliness, but in the end he obediently left the office as Sister Weiwei said.

The office was finally much quieter now.

Miss Wei Wei's chest was heaving up and down, as if she hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

What Qi Hongyu said to her just now was like a natural disaster to Sister Weiwei, and it was a fatal blow to her strong heart.

After Qi Hongyu went out, sister Wei Wei murmured: "Crazy, crazy, really going crazy!"

It was hard for her to imagine what she had just experienced.

Or what exactly did she go through in her previous life that made her so troubled now?

She really wanted to know.

"He's just a child, maybe it's because of the excessive secretion of male hormones, he suddenly got on top, that's right, that's definitely the case." Sister Wei Wei tried her best to comfort herself, hoping to calm her heart down a bit.

After comforting her, she tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down, and then continued to pretend to be calm and wanted to finish her work.

But when her eyes just fell on the computer screen, her thoughts flew far away unconsciously, and she couldn't control her thoughts at all.

It wasn't until after get off work that the staff outside the office were already making noise and preparing to go home. Only then did she realize that since Qi Hongyu left the office, she had been in a daze and hadn't done a single thing.

Really going crazy!
What has she done!

 It has been modified~
(End of this chapter)

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