The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2457 I like whatever you like

Chapter 2457 I like whatever you like

"I like it today, but I won't like it later." Qi Hongyu quickly replied seriously.

Because Sister Weiwei is here today, that's why I like it.

When sister Wei Wei is not here, he doesn't like it at all.

Sister Wei Wei didn't bother to pay attention to him, and took him into the restaurant. Before coming, she had booked a box with the restaurant, so when they arrived, she directly explained to the waiter, and the waiter took them into the box.

"this is menu."

The waiter handed the menu to Sister Weiwei.

When serving this kind of guests who come with male and female couples, the waiter will always hand over the menu to the lady as soon as possible.

This is also a kind of etiquette.

However, sister Wei Wei handed the menu to Qi Hongyu: "Qi Hongyu, take a look, what do you want to eat?"

She knew very well that she brought Qi Hongyu here for dinner today, so she naturally had to take care of him first.

Sister Wei Wei has been holding up the menu for a long time, but Qi Hongyu still refuses to accept it: "You order."

Sister Wei Wei raised her hands a little sorely, and said helplessly, "Then how do I know what you like to eat?"

Inviting others to eat, but not ordering, always makes Sister Weiwei feel very impolite.

Qi Hongyu replied: "I'm not picky about food, I like to eat whatever you like."

He seemed remarkably easy to deal with.

It looks like it can eat anything.

Sister Wei Wei also has nothing to do with him, so let's just assume that he is indeed this kind of person.

Sister Wei Wei confirmed, "It's true that you like everything I order?"

Qi Hongyu: "Yes."

This is what Qi Hongyu said by himself, so she will be impolite.

Miss Wei Wei has also been to this restaurant a few times, so she ordered the food very quickly, but she finished ordering after a while.

After she finished ordering, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, so she opened her mouth to confirm with Qi Hongyu again: "Why don't you order two yourself, I really don't know what you like to eat."

"I just like to eat what you like." Qi Hongyu felt as if he was making a tongue twister with Sister Weiwei.

Sister Wei Wei said that she really has nothing to do with this little brat, so she simply left him alone.

Since he insists so much, then ignore him.

Sister Wei Wei handed the menu to the waiter and said, "Okay, let's serve these."

The waiter took the menu and confirmed it with Sister Weiwei, and after confirming it, he went down to let people prepare it.

Sister Wei Wei: "Don't tell me what you don't like to eat later, it's what you don't order yourself."

Qi Hongyu nodded: "Okay."

She can also take this opportunity to get to know Sister Wei Wei's taste, and then she can get to know her better.

Wait for the waiter to go to the empty space where the food is ready.

Sister Wei Wei and Qi Hongyu seemed a little embarrassed, and at this moment, Sister Wei Wei felt an extra headache. At this moment, she didn't know what was wrong with her, what was wrong with her, and she actually brought her artists outside alone. time to eat?
But the two of them are already sitting here, which is embarrassing.

"Sister Weiwei, I am very happy to have dinner with you today." Qi Hongyu spoke first, but what he said was this sentence.

Sister Wei Wei only felt that her headache was getting worse.

"You stinky boy, I have already invited you as a big Buddha today, can you not bother me in the future and work hard?" Sister Wei Wei said disgustedly, she has never had such a headache for anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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