The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2487 Breaking into the Encirclement

Chapter 2487 Breaking into the Encirclement
When the two came to the gate of the amusement park, they found that the entire amusement park was booked out.

It seems that shooting a MV this time is a big deal.

There are security guards outside the gate of the amusement park, surrounded by fans.

There are fans of Qi Hongyu and fans of Zhou Tangtang.

After finally having the opportunity to learn that they were filming here, the fans could only wait with all their might to get a glimpse of them.

Hope to see them in person.

At the same time, it also added a lot of difficulty to the security guards.

"Junjun, it seems that we have ushered in our first test."

"What test?" Han Mujun blinked at Han Yichen.

It was the first time that he could not understand Han Yichen's words.

I saw that Han Yichen stretched out his hand and directly covered Han Mujun's Weiyi hat on his head, the kind that almost covered his entire face.

Han Mujun stopped doing it immediately, struggling to take off the hat: "Daddy, what are you doing, I can't see it like this!"

Han Yichen continued to insist on covering his face: "Be good, something terrible will happen in a while."

After finishing speaking, he picked up Han Mujun from the ground and walked towards the gate of the amusement park.

Fortunately, Han Mujun is more obedient and sensible. Hearing what Han Yichen said, he can only endure it temporarily.

When Han Yichen walked into the amusement park with Han Mujun in his arms, those fans also recognized Han Yichen.

"Look, isn't that the president of the Han Group, Han Yichen!"

"That's right, it's him!"

"Alice's husband!"

"very handsome!"

"Is it their son in his arms? I don't know what it looks like!"

"I really want to see it!"


At the same time, the sound of cameras shooting was constantly ringing, almost sweeping from all directions around them.

Leave no gaps at all.

To be honest, it was indeed the first time for Han Mujun to encounter such a thing.

There was a sense of panic surrounded by the crowd, two small hands hugged Han Yichen's neck tightly, and buried his small head in Han Yichen's arms, not daring to move.

The security guards outside the amusement park also recognized Han Yichen, and immediately came to Han Yichen's side to protect them as they walked inside.

Pushing and shouting, Han Yichen finally passed the crowd with Han Mujun in his arms.

Han Yichen heaved a long sigh of relief. He hadn't seen such a battle for a long time, and he himself was not used to it.

Thinking of this, he quickly looked down at Han Mujun in his arms: "Junjun, are you okay?"

Even he is almost too much for an adult, let alone a child.

So Han Yichen was naturally worried about Han Mujun's current situation.

He looked down and saw that Han Mujun's expression was not very good.

But Han Mujun still shook his head: "I'm fine."

It was the first time he saw such a scene, and he was indeed a little scared, but fortunately, Han Yichen protected him very well, so it didn't have that much influence on him.

"That's good."

Han Yichen heaved a sigh of relief.

Now that they have successfully entered the amusement park, the most important thing for them afterwards is naturally to find Zhou Tangtang.

Basically wherever there are many people, they will go there.

Naturally, you can also find Zhou Tangtang who is filming.

The shooting location at this moment is on the carousel in the amusement park. Zhou Tangtang and Qi Hongyu are sitting side by side on two horses.

Two people are looking at each other and smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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