The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2534 Quickly find a way to face it

Chapter 2534 Quickly find a way to face it

Sister Wei Wei also managed to scare the head of the public relations department back, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, obediently closed her mouth and sat beside her.

Lu Keke also had a chance to continue: "At that time, I also wanted to apologize to her, but because there were too many fans and the crowd was too crowded, I didn't even have a chance to go back and talk to her, so I was directly pushed forward. The hotel lobby, and when I went back to look for it later, that fan had already left."

She finally told everyone what happened to her at the time.

As for the yelling, she didn't need to explain much. Under the circumstances at that time, if Lu Keke hadn't yelled loudly, no one would have heard her.

It's just that because of the incident of dropping the fan's phone before, it was deliberately magnified when they were connected together.

The head of the public relations department said seriously: "Have you finished?"

Lu Keke nodded, looking at them cautiously.

Even if she told the truth of the matter, she didn't dare to hope that she could be forgiven immediately.

After all, most of the responsibility for this matter is still on him.

The head of the public relations department said angrily: "Then you should have yelled at the time to tell everyone to stop, and said sorry to that fan loudly, so that everyone present would pay attention to the fan whose phone was dropped, and then ask Qi Hongyu to help pick up the phone." , and a few words of comfort to the fans, today's news will be much better than this, at least Qi Hongyu can have a very warm personality!"

If Lu Keke could have had such a reaction at that time, it would be impossible for today's news to appear.

Lu Keke lowered his eyes and didn't dare to look at them. The head of the public relations department is worthy of being the head of the public relations department. This opening has perfectly reversed the situation at that time.

It's just that there is no medicine for regret in this world. This matter has passed, and there is no way to recover it.

No one can help.

So even though Lu Keke has learned a good method from the head of the public relations department, it still cannot change the dilemma they are facing today.

Now, they can only try their best to find a way to solve these.

Sister Wei Wei could only comfort the head of the public relations department first: "I was also at fault for this matter. I shouldn't have left so early at the time. If I had sent Qi Hongyu back to the hotel, such a thing would not have happened and caused you trouble. sorry."

Sister Wei Wei, who has always been strong, took the initiative to admit her mistake to everyone at this time, which surprised everyone present.

Soon, he successfully stabilized the mood of the head of the public relations department.

She continued: "Since everything has happened now, it's useless for us to worry about whose responsibility it is. We still need to look at the money and think about how to make a public relations statement to solve this matter. "

She is very serious about drawing the key points with everyone. The most important thing now is to solve it, not to divide whose responsibility it is.

After hearing Sister Weiwei's words, everyone finally calmed down and began to seriously think of a solution.

Lu Keke took the lead and whispered: "How about I apologize to the fans and explain the situation. If the fan sees it, they can contact me. If there is any problem with her phone, I will compensate."

This was the only way she could think of.

(End of this chapter)

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