The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2564 Can't read the test sheet

Chapter 2564 Can't read the test sheet
Sitting on the plastic chairs on both sides of the hospital corridor, the surroundings are very quiet.

The patients who occasionally passed by them were discussing their condition.

Sister Wei Wei couldn't help but said, "Qi Hongyu, are you really that afraid of injections?"


"Then how did you come here before?"

She was very curious about it.

It's impossible to never go to the hospital in this life.

"Stay as long as you can." Qi Hongyu's theory also shocked sister Wei Wei.

But this is Qi Hongyu's normal state.

If it wasn't too uncomfortable today, he wouldn't tell Sister Weiwei.

Originally, it was because she wanted to get some comfort from Sister Weiwei, but she was dragged to the hospital by Sister Weiwei unexpectedly.

Blood was also drawn.

Sure enough, it was a wrong step, every step was wrong.

After this is over, it seems that I have no chance to make a decision.

Sister Wei Wei could only persuade her: "You can't do this. You must not suffer when you are sick. It will do a lot of harm to your body. Your body is yours, so you must take good care of it."


Qi Hongyu responded.

He was leaning on the back of the plastic chair, his body was heavy and uncomfortable, but his head was groggy, as if he had been enchanted, and he just wanted to sleep.

But sitting on the plastic chair was really uncomfortable. He fell asleep and couldn't control the angle of his body tilting. He didn't even know that he had leaned his head on Sister Weiwei, or he didn't want to know at all. .

Sister Wei Wei glanced at Qi Hongyu who was leaning on her shoulder, his brows were full of exhaustion.

It seems really tired.

Seeing Qi Hongyu like this, sister Wei Wei was naturally reluctant to wake him up.

There is still a little time before the test report comes out, let him have a good rest.

Qi Hongyu leaned on Sister Wei Wei's shoulder and slept with her eyes closed, while Sister Wei Wei looked at her mobile phone with her head down, scrolling the webpage boredly, occasionally checking the time on the top.

The doctor said it was half an hour, and she waited for half an hour.

In the middle, he also tested Qi Hongyu's forehead.

Still very hot.

I can fall asleep like this, it seems that I am really tired.

When the time was almost up, sister Wei Wei finally woke up Qi Hongyu even though she couldn't bear it: "You lie there for a while, and I'll go get the test report."

Sister Wei Wei said, holding Qi Hongyu's head and leaning against the back of the plastic chair.

This was much harder than Sister Weiwei's shoulders, and instantly made him sleepless. After rubbing his eyes, he got up and followed behind Sister Weiwei, like a big follower.

Sister Weiwei felt someone behind her, so she turned her head and saw Qi Hongyu.

"You can sit at your seat for a while, and I'll pick you up after I get the test report." Sister Weiwei turned her head and said to Qi Hongyu.

"I want to be with you."

"Okay." Sister Wei Wei agreed.

Now that Qi Hongyu had said so, she let him follow.

When she came to the equipment where the test sheet was printed, Sister Weiwei scanned the bar code given to her by the nurse, and the screen displayed "Printing the result".

Soon, the test sheet appeared at the exit below.

Sister Wei Wei took the test sheet and began to read it seriously, Qi Hongyu also came over: "Sister Wei Wei, do you understand?"

This problem is really a bit fatal.

Sister Weiwei simply replied: "I don't understand."

(End of this chapter)

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