The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2584 Don't think you'll be fine if you hide

Chapter 2584 Don't think you'll be fine if you hide

However, even if Han Mujun has already hid in the quilt, this "war" will still not end.

"Han Mujun, are you lying?" Han Yichen said quietly, with a bit of sternness.

Han Mujun had to poke half of his head out of the quilt to look at him.

I was a little flustered inside.

He has always been able to be calm and not panic when facing anything, but he didn't expect that when Han Yichen forced him to question him, he still couldn't help but feel nervous all over.

He couldn't help muttering in his heart, his old man is still his old man.

"Is it okay if you don't talk?" Han Yichen continued to press, insisting that Han Mujun should speak by himself.

Han Mujun pouted, a little aggrieved.

"Don't act like this, it's useful on your mommy's side, but it's useless on my side." Han Yichen's words also completely cut off Han Mujun's escape route that he wanted to muddle through.

Han Mujun had to answer this matter honestly.

Under Han Yichen's resolute eyes, Han Mujun just felt that he had nowhere to hide, no matter where he hid, he would be caught by Han Yichen.

And now, Han Yichen is still threatening him so much that he must give an accurate answer.

"En." Han Mujun finally spoke, and responded in a low voice.

This can be regarded as admitting the question Han Yichen asked himself just now.

He did lie.

"I'll tell your mommy later, or you say it yourself?" Han Yichen continued to ask.

Han Mujun tightened his little hands holding the quilt.

If such a thing made him take the initiative to talk to Mommy, would she feel that he was a liar?

However, if Daddy and Mommy are asked to speak, it seems that he has not realized his mistake at all.

He just wanted to sleep with Mummy, and when he heard Mummy said that he had a nightmare, he just nodded along.

After thinking about it, Han Mujun still decided that it would be most appropriate to tell Mommy about this matter himself, and he whispered with a troubled face, "I'll tell Mommy myself."

"Yes." Han Yichen replied, "I will keep an eye on you."

He continued to sit on the sofa and look at his phone. If Han Mujun didn't admit it, he would have to expose him.

"Daddy, you really have no sense of humanity at all."

Suddenly, faintly, it was Han Mujun's little milk voice, who was loathing Han Yichen's heartlessness.

How could he treat such a poor and weak son like this?He is only three years old!
"What did you say? Say it again!"

Because of Han Mujun's words, Han Yichen suddenly jumped into a rage. He stood up from the sofa and came to the bedside, staring at Han Mujun angrily.

He is condescending, with a powerful aura, and he can scare Han Mujun in minutes.

Han Mujun could only wrap the quilt tightly, hoping that with the quilt to protect him, he would not fall into Han Yichen's clutches.

"Come out and explain clearly to me yourself, what did you just say?!" Han Yichen was in a fight with Han Mujun today. If he doesn't explain clearly to himself, this matter will never end.

However, at this time, Han Mujun can hide as much as he can, how dare he confront Han Yichen directly?

Wouldn't that be courting death?

He is still young, he doesn't want to die at all.

"You think you'll be fine if you hide under the quilt? Why don't you come out quickly! Believe it or not, I'll lift your quilt right away?" Han Yichen said in a threatening tone.

(End of this chapter)

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