The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2596 Doing handwork together

Chapter 2596
Seeing that Zhou Tangtang was about to go into the bathroom, Han Yichen hugged her from behind: "Then I will also feel a sense of loss."

At this moment, Han Yichen still wanted to compete with Han Mujun.

"But you're good, you're the best, okay? Let me go in and take a bath." Zhou Tangtang also convinced Han Yichen, and now she even admitted defeat and spoke nice words to him.

Now that it's all said and done, Han Yichen should be content.

Indeed, logically speaking, it should be enough.

But Han Yichen is very clingy.

"No, kiss me again."

Zhou Tangtang looked back at Han Yichen: "It's the first time I've discovered that you are such a clingy little fairy."

"Will you kiss me? If you don't kiss me, believe it or not, I won't let you get out of bed?"

Even such threatening words were exported.

She knew exactly how capable Han Yichen was, so naturally she couldn't provoke him at this time.

If he did what he said, it would be completely useless to pick up Han Mujun from school today.

"Well, dear."

But just a kiss, it's quite easy to do.

Zhou Tangtang tilted her head and planted a kiss on Han Yichen's face, which finally satisfied Han Yichen, so naturally she didn't continue pestering her.

After Zhou Tangtang took a shower, she left the company and rushed directly to the kindergarten where Han Mujun was.

Fortunately, she didn't come too late.

When she rushed to the classroom, there were still a few children in the classroom. If the parents came late, the kindergarten teacher was taking them to do handwork in order to keep the children from crying.

But Han Mujun was sitting alone in the corner reading a book quietly.

He always has such a different appearance from others, in fact, it is because of this that Zhou Tangtang seems a little worried, fearing that he will not fit in in the future.

On the contrary, she hopes that he can blend in well with those children, playing games, doing handicrafts, singing, dancing and so on. Although it is true that Zhou Tangtang looks naive to death, but I always feel that is the most important thing. It is the state that children should have.

Who hasn't come from such a fool.

But Han Mujun just skipped such a silly stage, it seems a bit inappropriate.


When Han Mujun heard Zhou Tangtang calling him, he immediately looked up at her: "Mommy!"

Seeing his mommy coming, Han Mujun finally put away the book in his hand, put it in his schoolbag, picked up his small schoolbag and ran towards Zhou Tangtang.

In this matter, he was finally like a child.

After Han Mujun ran in front of him, Zhou Tangtang knelt down to look at him and asked, "Junjun, why don't you join the other children and learn how to do handicrafts from the teacher? Look how beautiful they are. "

Zhou Tangtang took Han Mujun to the table where the teacher led the children to do handicrafts. Some children made paper lanterns, and some made small houses.

It's not very well done, but it looks cute.

That's how fun it is for kids.

"It's okay." Han Mujun said that enough to save face.

If Zhou Tangtang hadn't said something cute in advance, he might have directly disliked how he could be so ugly.

"Let's do it together too."

Zhou Tangtang pulled Han Mujun to find two small chairs and sat down: "Teacher, our family Junjun also wants to do handicrafts."

She insisted on fighting for Han Mujun once.

(End of this chapter)

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