The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2643 Once I Promise, I Can't Go Back On It

Chapter 2643 Once I Promise, I Can't Go Back On It
"Ahem..." Han Yichen coughed twice in embarrassment, he just made a movement on conditioned reflex, and almost forgot to be in front of Zhou Tangtang.

This brat is really good at running.

"I didn't strike that hard, so it won't hurt, Junjun, right?" Han Yichen looked at Han Mujun with threatening eyes.

He was actually looking forward to Han Mujun's united front with him.

This is obviously nothing but fantasy.

How could Han Mujun help Han Yichen? He even tried to bully him before!

"It hurts, it hurts so much!" Han Mujun nodded immediately, and it turned out to be the opposite of Han Yichen.

When Zhou Tangtang heard Han Mujun's words, he immediately glared at Han Yichen.

How could he bully the child like this.

"Tangtang, he talks nonsense, you can't really listen to him, you have to trust me!" Han Yichen was still struggling.

Zhou Tangtang had already carried Han Mujun into the room, and Han Yichen followed behind them, constantly explaining the misunderstanding to Zhou Tangtang.

But what he said, Zhou Tangtang didn't take it to heart at all, and just focused on coaxing her own Han Mujun.

He was only a five-year-old child, and Zhou Tangtang was really worried that he would be bullied by Han Yichen.

Han Yichen could only sit by the side and watch quietly.

"So what were you talking about with Daddy in the study just now?" Zhou Tangtang asked Han Mujun to sit on the bed, and then asked.

"The matter of giving birth to a younger sister." Han Mujun said bluntly.

It's just that when Zhou Tangtang heard Han Mujun's words, his face turned red.

It just doesn't feel right there.

"Then... did you agree?" Zhou Tangtang asked.

She did say at the time that as long as Han Mujun agreed, she could consider having a second child.

So now Han Mujun's opinion is very important.

At this time, Han Yichen desperately nodded behind Zhou Tangtang, gestured frantically to Han Mujun with his eyes, and made a gesture similar to "Ye" with one hand, desperately implying that he would definitely agree to Han Mujun's two conditions in exchange.

Han Yichen would never have imagined that Han Mujun would be the one to decide whether he could have a daughter or not.

But this is the condition given by Zhou Tangtang, and he has nothing to do.

However, Han Mujun's answer made Han Yichen extremely disappointed, and he responded straight away: "I didn't agree."

Now that Zhou Tangtang is here, that is his biggest backer, she has nothing to be afraid of at all.

Han Yichen only felt that his heart was bleeding, how could his own daughter be strangled in her infancy by a brat like Han Mujun.

What an asshole.

If Zhou Tangtang was not here now, Han Yichen was really afraid that he would not be able to resist beating him.

"Didn't you just promise me in the study, how can you go back on it!" Han Yichen said angrily.

"It was you who refused to agree to my conditions first, and you would agree to everything at the beginning, but in the end you didn't agree, it was Daddy who lied first!" Han Mujun also poked at him unconvinced.

"Who told you to make random demands."

"But you didn't say anything in advance that the request is not allowed."

"Then you can't make such an unreasonable request."

"Why is it unreasonable? It's very reasonable and very logical!" Han Mujun refused to accept it, because he was full of confidence in his request and felt that there was nothing unreasonable about it.

In this way, the two quarreled hard.

(End of this chapter)

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