Chapter 281 Yours is Tastier (2000 Recommended Tickets)
After recovering with difficulty, Zhou Tangtang suddenly looked at Han Yichen with his fluttering and shining eyes.

"So you forgive me now?"

Han Yichen didn't expect Zhou Tangtang to still care so much about that matter.

In fact, he was playing tricks on her on purpose.

Han Yichen said, "I forgive you."


A smile brighter than flowers immediately bloomed on Zhou Tangtang's face, so bright and beautiful that people want to cherish it.

At that moment, Han Yichen was stunned.

And when he came back to his senses, Zhou Tangtang was already sitting in the seat where he was sitting just now, eating his breakfast.

If Zhou Tangtang's appearance was placed in ancient times, she would definitely be a witch who would bring disaster to the country and the people.

Han Yichen walked back to his seat, and now because Zhou Tangtang was sitting, Han Yichen could only sit on the seat next to him.

"Tangtang, your breakfast is in the kitchen, may I bring it for you?"

"Your ones are more delicious." Zhou Tangtang ate with a happy face, without any dislike at all.

Of course, the main reason is because the food that is rushing to eat is delicious.


Han Yichen had nothing to say about this.

Sure enough, as soon as I forgave Zhou Tangtang, her true nature was revealed every minute.

But he really didn't want to make Zhou Tangtang sad, he still liked such a cute girl.

In the end, Han Yichen had no choice but to go back to the kitchen to take out another breakfast and prepare to eat.

She saw Zhou Tangtang's little hand appear on her plate and took away half of her sandwich.

Seeing Han Yichen looking up at him, Zhou Tangtang quickly explained: "You ate half of it just now, I can't get enough like this."

Seeing that Han Yichen didn't speak, Zhou Tangtang thought that he didn't want to give her food.

"Then I'll pay you back with one bite."

As Zhou Tangtang said, he quickly took a big bite out of the sandwich he had received, stuffing his mouth full, and then handed the sandwich in front of Han Yichen again, ready to return it to him.

It's just that Zhou Tangtang raised it like that for a long time, but Han Yichen didn't respond.

Zhou Tangtang pouted with dissatisfaction on his face: "You don't think you dislike me for eating it, do you? I don't dislike you for these things."

Han Yichen said, "That's what you want to eat."

Although he didn't mean to dislike Zhou Tangtang, Zhou Tangtang's words were still flawed, and Han Yichen still felt the need to remind her.

"So you really despise me?"

As Zhou Tangtang spoke, her eye sockets were already rosy, as if she had been wronged.

Naturally, her acting skills came as soon as she said it. At this moment, the sockets of her eyes have already started to turn red.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long for the tears to come out.

Although he knew that Zhou Tangtang did this on purpose, Han Yichen still felt very distressed.

"I eat, you give me."

Han Yichen was immediately defeated, picked up the dinner plate and asked Zhou Tangtang to put the sandwich on his own.

But Zhou Tangtang refused.

Zhou Tangtang said willfully: "You use your hands."

I always feel a little ashamed to eat a sandwich with my hands alone.

She didn't want to be the only one doing embarrassing things, so she naturally wanted to drag Han Yichen along.

"Can't you use your hands?"

Han Yichen is still very clean about this kind of thing, and now he is forced by Zhou Tangtang.

"You have to hold it with your hands, otherwise you don't love me."

 【Part 4】

  Thanks [°Stupid? . ]’s tip, I love you, okay!
  Dear friends, I have already shown you the update of the 2000 recommended votes in advance, should you work hard to vote~ Hold yourself tight with distress.

(End of this chapter)

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