The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 334 That's His Girlfriend!

Chapter 334 That's His Girlfriend!

Because that was Zhou Tangtang, his girlfriend!
Han Yichen only felt his head buzzing. He didn't even know how to explain this question.

"It's not allowed anyway!"

"Yichen, I won't tell you anymore, I have something else to do." Yin Canxun saw that Alice, whom he was thinking of, was already walking in this direction, so he quickly hung up Han Yichen's phone.

This moment is extremely important to him, so of course he can't talk too much with Han Yichen.

"Hello...Hello!" Han Yichen yelled into his mobile phone, but he didn't hear Yin Canxun's voice again.

After taking down the phone, I found that Yin Canxun had already hung up on him.

This thing is really bad!
Han Yichen stepped on the accelerator vigorously, his sports car was already running on the way to the film and television city after seeing the circle of friends.

Of course, Zhou Tangtang who saw Yin Canxun in the film and television city was also very confused.

She was still wondering who it was, but she never thought it would be Yin Canxun.

"Wow, this is also a handsome guy!" Bai Xiaoyan sighed again after seeing Yin Canxun's appearance.

Following Zhou Tangtang's side, I feel that almost all the handsome guys I see are handsome.

This is too eye-catching.

But Bai Xiaoyan soon noticed that Zhou Tangtang's expression didn't seem very happy.

"Tangtang, why aren't you happy to see a handsome guy?" Bai Xiaoyan asked curiously.

"Actually, I know him, but he knows another me."

If others heard this, they might not understand what Zhou Tangtang was talking about.

But because Zhou Tangtang told her everything that happened in school last night, she naturally understood what Zhou Tangtang meant.

In an instant, she could understand why Zhou Tangtang had such an expression at the moment: "Isn't this embarrassing."

"It's okay, I'll go by myself, why don't you go back and wait for me?" Zhou Tangtang said to Bai Xiaoyan.

"Yeah." Bai Xiaoyan didn't say much.

These matters still had to be resolved by Zhou Tangtang herself, so she naturally retreated quickly.

When Yin Canxun saw Zhou Tangtang approaching, he directly walked towards Zhou Tangtang with the rose.

Especially romantic songs began to play on the radio around here.

Zhou Tangtang looked at Yin Canxun with a fascinated face, only feeling the corners of her eyes twitch slightly.

This is really a headache for her.

Yin Canxun came to Zhou Tangtang with the sound of music, and sent the rose in his hand to Zhou Tangtang: "Here are 99 roses, which represent my love for you, for a long time, Alice, I really like it You, so please be my girlfriend, okay?"

Yin Canxun spoke to Zhou Tangtang very seriously.

He can take no one seriously.

But he is definitely the most serious one when it comes to his goddess Alice.

"Well, stop making trouble and go back quickly."

Zhou Tangtang did not take the rose from Yin Canxun's hand, but stuffed it back into Yin Canxun's arms forcefully, and seeing that there were not many people around, she just wanted Yin Canxun to go back quickly.

Before many people know about it.

"Alice, I'm serious!" Yin Canxun still tried his best to send the rose into Zhou Tangtang's arms.

After all, that's what he came here for today.

How could he give up lightly.

Yin Canxun had to spend so much time chasing that woman before, so he would only be so serious when he treated her.

(End of this chapter)

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