Chapter 355 I Feed You

Zhou Tangtang understood why Han Yichen didn't eat it.

So she grabbed a small piece from the bread she was eating and put it into Han Yichen's mouth.

"I feed you."

Han Yichen glanced at Zhou Tangtang, his eyes were full of smiles.

Obviously, he is very optimistic about Zhou Tangtang's current behavior.

Naturally, he opened his mouth obediently and ate the bread.

His girlfriend really cared more and more about him, and Han Yichen's heart was naturally beautiful.

After feeding Han Yichen a few mouthfuls, Zhou Tangtang began to chew on himself again.

It's just that I ate too much bread, so I choked and panicked.

Zhou Tangtang started looking for water all over the world again.

Finally Han Yichen couldn't stand it anymore and said, "I put milk at your feet."

And milk?

This life is really beautiful.

Zhou Tangtang hurriedly bent down to search for her own milk.


"Han Yichen, you are too kind." Zhou Tangtang couldn't help but praise.

"Not for you, but for whom?" Han Yichen replied with a smile.

I was too anxious when I went out, I just wanted to fill my stomach, and I didn't even think about getting a drink.

The main issue was the bread. Whoever made the bread so dry really choked her to death.

Zhou Tangtang fiddled with putting the straw in, and then began to take a few sips.

It's a picture of a rhino drinking water.

Han Yichen couldn't help complaining, "Tangtang, this is the first time I've seen someone drink milk like this."

Regarding Han Yichen's complaints, Zhou Tangtang didn't take it seriously at all, and just said, "Then you may see it often in the future."


Han Yichen just wanted to ask what happened to his daughter-in-law.

"Then do you want to drink?" Zhou Tangtang asked Han Yichen after he had almost finished drinking.

"Well, I want to drink."

Seeing his daughter-in-law drinking so hard, he was also curious, how delicious is this milk?

Zhou Tangtang still obediently delivered the milk to Han Yichen.

The corners of Han Yichen's mouth raised slightly, this could be considered an indirect kiss.

He opened his mouth and took a sip, but didn't drink any more after taking a small sip.

"You just drink that little?" Zhou Tangtang watched him drink that little, naturally found it inconceivable.

"Well, that's enough." Han Yichen nodded.

After all, he only took one bottle of this milk, and seeing that Zhou Tangtang loves to drink it so much, he naturally reserved it for her.

He was just curious about the taste, so he took a sip.

"It's almost at the gate of the film and television city."

Hearing what Han Yichen said, Zhou Tangtang quickly raised his head and looked straight ahead, and he could roughly see the magnificent buildings in the film and television city.

She really had to hurry up and eat everything.

So this next week, Tangtang felt the same as being buried in her homework, she put her head down and stuffed the last bite of bread into her mouth seriously.

Then he took a few mouthfuls of milk and gurgled.

Drink up.

It can be regarded as very accurate for Han Yichen to see what it means to gobble up.

It's amazing.

"Don't be so anxious when you eat, it's not good." Han Yichen didn't like to educate others, but seeing Zhou Tangtang like this, he couldn't help but want to tell her.

Probably want her too.

"Hahaha, the situation is special. I'm just in a hurry, that's why I'm in a hurry." Zhou Tangtang quickly explained.

At this moment, Han Yichen's sports car also slowly drove into the film and television city.

Naturally, such a cool sports car would attract many people's attention, so Zhou Tangtang hurriedly put on his mask.

 I will update from time to time today, just more!

  The first subscription is very important to the author, so I hope that the readers who support it will spend as much reading currency as possible, which will also affect the number of words updated every day in the future.

  After reading it, I still give a recommendation ticket.

  Continue to love you guys, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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