The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 367 Come and Taste the Little Beauty

Chapter 367 Come and Taste the Little Beauty

"Hey, Tangtang!"

"Zhou Tangtang! What's wrong with you! Hey!"

Han Yichen yelled at the phone without any response.

He took down the phone and found that the other party had hung up the phone.

Zhou Tangtang's voice fell silent halfway through her speech, and then the phone was suddenly hung up.

This made Han Yichen feel extremely uneasy in his heart.

So he started calling Zhou Tangtang over and over again.

Not only did the other party not answer, but even hung up the phone directly.

Han Yichen couldn't help swearing. He looked ahead, but he was still stuck in traffic.

But he couldn't wait now.

Just turn right at this intersection and go straight for a few hundred meters.

Han Yichen simply got out of the car, didn't even need the car, and ran directly towards the film and television city.

He almost ran over at his fastest speed, and made a phone call to send bodyguards over.

And the cars behind Han Yichen were almost dumbfounded.

This was the first time they saw a man who was so stuck in traffic that he didn't even want a car.

The point is, this is still a sky-high luxury car.


Zhou Tangtang didn't know how far he was dragged by those two big men, and finally stopped in a quiet corner with no one around.

After her legs were finally free, she desperately kicked the person in front of her.

Finding a chance to pinch the man covering his mouth fiercely with both hands, after he relaxes the hand covering Zhou Tangtang in pain, she grabs that hand and slaps it fiercely on the jaw of his hand. Bite down.

"Ah! This crazy woman!"

The big man was in so much pain that he stretched out his hand and slapped Zhou Tangtang viciously.

He didn't save any energy in that slap, and was even angry, so when he slapped it, Zhou Tangtang couldn't even stand still, and fell directly to the ground.

She could feel the burning pain on her face, and even taste the faint smell of blood in her mouth.

She raised her head, her watery eyes were full of stubborn light: "What are you going to do, I didn't provoke you, you let me go!"

However, after hearing Zhou Tangtang's words, the two big men only had wretched smiles on their faces.

It seems to be mocking Zhou Tangtang's innocence.

"You and we put so much effort to get you here, and still let you go? You think too much." One of the big men squatted in front of Zhou Tangtang with a smile on his face.

Under the dim yellow streetlight next to him, his expression became even more creepy.

Zhou Tangtang couldn't help but want to back away.

"Little beauty, don't run away. I heard that you are a big star named Aris. You have such a pretty face. Hahahaha, let me have a good time." The man said to Zhou Tangtang with a smirk. .

"What nonsense, I can't wait."

The other man obviously couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to reach out to Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Tangtang finally understood what these two people were going to do to her, she sat on the ground with her hands in front of her and backed away desperately: " guys go away...don't come over!"

Her voice was trembling uncontrollably.

She couldn't figure out why she was still being targeted by these two men, since her whereabouts were already kept secret.

"Since we have already brought you here, it would be a shame for us not to do anything."

"Hurry up and finish it, we can also do business, come, let us have a good taste."

 Thanks to [Really handsome] for the reward, meh!

  Update time 12:17 noon, [-]:[-] pm~
  Friends who have monthly tickets ask for a wave of monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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