Chapter 4
"Either pack up your things and live here, or get out of Diluo Academy directly, you can choose the two paths." Han Yichen seemed to be merciful and gave Zhou Tangtang two choices.

But Zhou Tangtang clearly had only one choice.

In fact, no one can drive her out of Di Luo Academy.

It's just that if she chooses the latter, she will have to reveal her identity. Will her disguise be over in just one day?

She looked at Han Yichen angrily, struggled for a moment but finally made a choice, "I'll stay."

Anyway, she also saw it, this place is so big, there must be her own room, so she just sleeps in another dormitory.

Han Yichen was very satisfied with Zhou Tangtang's choice: "You're so good."

Hearing this, Zhou Tangtang couldn't help but glared at him.

"But we must never tell others about our living together!"

Zhou Tangtang didn't want such a scandal like her to be spread all over the school.

"it is good."

Han Yichen agreed immediately.

The dinner was prepared by the aunt and placed in the dining room. After dinner, Zhou Tangtang went back to her room directly.

The only thing that gave Zhou Tangtang a headache was that there was only one bathroom on the second floor, which was next to Han Yichen's room.

Zhou Tangtang naturally has a lot of opinions on this.

But he was prevaricated by Han Yichen's sentence, "Why do you need so many bathrooms, wash them for ghosts?"

Girl, did he know that he was most afraid of ghosts, so he frightened her like this!
"No, there are no ghosts, there are no ghosts in this world!"

Zhou Tangtang took a change of clothes and came to the bathroom to take a bath, but she kept chanting as if chanting scriptures.

Soon she also forgot this sentence.

But who would have thought that she was just in the middle of taking a shower, when the bathroom light suddenly went out, and it was pitch black inside.

"Ah! What's going on! Help!"

She yelled out in fright.

The darkness that suddenly swept towards her would make her head start to think wildly.

Especially before coming in, Han Yichen mentioned the ghost matter to himself, which made Zhou Tangtang panic even more.

"Help, help!"

Zhou Tangtang continued to shout, her voice seemed very helpless, even crying.

She is really afraid of the dark.

"Hey, isn't it just a power cut, you are going to die?"

Han Yichen's voice came from outside the bathroom door.

In fact, he didn't care about the power outage, but he heard Zhou Tangtang's shout unintentionally, and then he came out of his room.

"I...I'm afraid..."

Zhou Tangtang's voice was visibly trembling, and she didn't want to.

But she is instinctively afraid.

"You open the door."

" way!"

Zhou Tangtang hurriedly shook her head, her hands resting firmly on the doorknob.

It was as if Han Yichen might break into the door.

She was only halfway through the shower, and she didn't have any clothes on, so how could she open the door?
"I don't want to read it. I'll give you the phone so you can use the flashlight."

It turned out that Han Yichen wanted to give him his mobile phone, because Zhou Tangtang didn't bring his mobile phone with him because he was taking a bath.

"Then you are not allowed to see..."

"You're so ugly, who wants to see you?"

The truth is indeed so good, but Zhou Tangtang has to doubt Han Yichen's taste.

"Just in case you have unique taste."

Others Zhou Tangtang might not doubt it, but Han Yichen, she was just worried.

Who asked Han Yichen to force her to be his fiancee today? It's not unfounded for her to think that he has a unique taste.

Han Yichen finally couldn't bear Zhou Tangtang's hallucinations: "Do you want it or not? If you don't want it, just stay in it."

He is ready to leave.

It turned out to be this feeling to be kind as a donkey liver and lung.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

 Dear ones, if you like it, remember to collect it~
(End of this chapter)

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