The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 515 Huangfuxun, help me!

Chapter 515 Huangfuxun, help me!
Huangfuxun just smiled and didn't speak to Zhou Tangtang's excited reaction.

She looks lovely.

"If Zheng Jiamei hadn't reminded me, I would have almost forgotten how powerful you are. Huangfuxun, you must help me this time!"

Zhou Tangtang now has the feeling of finding a savior.

Anyway, she had to hug Huangfu Xun's thigh tightly, and now it seems that only he can save herself.

But in fact, Miyazawa is also very talented in originality.

He also wrote a song for himself before, and it went straight to the top of the music list as soon as it was released.

It's just that during this period of time, Miyazawa has to be busy finishing the filming of the TV series, and then has other schedules. She is so busy that she hardly has time to see him.

Now I can only ask Huangfu Xun.

"of course."

Huangfu Xun nodded with a smile.

Sure enough, it was easy to negotiate.

Zhou Tangtang quickly took out a notebook from her bag.

This is exactly what she did last night.

She handed her masterpiece to Huangfu Xun with anticipation.

"I came up with this after thinking about it for a long time last night. Please help me see how it goes."


Huangfu Xun responded, took the notebook from Zhou Tangtang's hand and began to read it seriously.

It's just that when he saw the almost entire book of ghostly drawn symbols, he felt that his defensive shield had been destroyed.

"That..." Huangfu Xun looked at Zhou Tangtang with some uncertainty, "Are you serious?"

Because Huangfuxun was thinking about it, maybe this was just a joke Zhou Tangtang made with himself, it wasn't true.

But he was wrong.

Zhou Tangtang looked at him sincerely and nodded: "Seriously."

She really wants to create her own, not kidding.

Huangfu Xun's usually calm face finally showed a particularly tangled expression.

This was the first time something troubled him so much.

Zhou Tangtang's face was full of distressed expressions, and he asked weakly: "Huangfuxun, is that why I can't be saved?"

The expression on Huangfu Xun's face at this moment can also be described by the four words "I have nothing to love in life".

Are your thoughts that bad?
"Also..." Huangfu Xun barely said it out of great determination, "There is help!"

After hearing Huangfuxun's words, Zhou Tangtang's eyes finally shone with hope, and those beautiful eyes shone brightly.

"However, I think you can start with a simple adaptation, not a completely original one, so that you can at least make the song before the semi-finals. As for the lyrics, I think you should be able to." Huangfuxun thought for a long time, and finally He came up with a way to help Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Tangtang is preparing a song for the semi-finals, there is not much time, from now to the semi-finals, this is the only way.

"Adaptation? Whose adaptation? Then I have to find someone to obtain the copyright first." Zhou Tangtang looked helpless, but it was just like what Huangfuxun said.

Now this seems to be the only way.


Huangfu Xun said with a smile, and took out a music score and a USB flash drive from in front of him: "This is some original music I used in the competition before, and it's in the USB flash drive. You can listen to it first. It depends on which song you like, and then we will slowly discuss how to adapt it."

Huangfuxun simply took out all his treasures and gave them to Zhou Tangtang to play with.

 Be so cute and begging for a wave of recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards~ I love you, soooo~!

(End of this chapter)

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