The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 519 Participating in the Final Banquet

Chapter 519 Participating in the Final Banquet (2)

Zhou Tangtang looked at the nympho appearances of those female stars, and shook her head helplessly.

Whoever he was, it had nothing to do with her anyway, she casually took a drink from the passing waiter and was about to hide in the sofa in the corner and pretend to disappear.

Evacuate the scene as soon as possible.

"If you can catch the line of Leng Shao, basically you can get what you want, and you can play any heroine."

"Look at the woman next to him, isn't she Lan Yu'er?"

"It seems that it's really her. She didn't even come to act in the future. She acted for her with a substitute. How dare she come back to participate in the wrapping banquet."

"She is so close to Young Master Leng. She must be Young Master Leng's lover."

"It must be her. This will also explain why she can be the heroine, and Alice will give her a supporting role."

Zhou Tangtang seemed to hear Lan Yuer's name, she looked up towards the door.

Originally thought that she would never see her again since that time, but never expected to see her at the wrapping banquet.

I saw Lan Yu'er wearing a low-cut dress with off-the-shoulder, which set off her petite and charming identity particularly unevenly.

Compared with her conservative long skirt, which can no longer be conservative, it is really two extremes.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the man walking in front of Lan Yu'er.

About [-] or less, a handsome black suit that fits well, a knife-sharpened face is stern and extraordinary, and he is full of hostility.

Dozens of bodyguards in black surrounded him behind him. This was exactly the posture of the emperor on tour.

It also made Zhou Tangtang think of Mu Jue's appearance when he first appeared in school, which seems to be the same.

Lan Yu'er has always wanted to work hard to get to Leng Chi's side, trying to show that she is Leng Chi's female companion.

But Leng Chi left quickly, without any intention of waiting for her.

She was wearing a skirt and high heels again, and she couldn't walk too fast, so she could only change her steps frequently, using small steps to catch up with Leng Chi's steps.

Only in this way, Lan Yu'er looked particularly funny.

"Look at her, she really has no dignity in being raised."

"What a shame."

"This Lan Yu'er usually pretends to be quite pure in our place, but in the end she is also the same kind of person."

"It's disgusting, I don't know how many men have slept with it."

Those women were obviously jealous of Lan Yu'er being able to stand beside Leng Chi, and they were throwing all the harsh words at Lan Yu'er at this moment.

It seems that only in this way can the hatred in their hearts be relieved.

But even so, it still cannot change the reality.

After seeing Leng Chi walk into the door, those investors, producers and directors who were waiting for a toast like big bosses all stood up from their seats at this moment, and all moved towards the door to greet them.

"Master Leng, you are here."

"It's our honor that you can attend our wrap-up banquet."

"Please take care of Leng Shao in the future."

All of them exchanged pleasantries, with complimenting smiles on their faces, almost in the rhythm of praising Leng Chi to the sky.

Leng Chi nodded slightly in understanding, and then glanced at the entire venue.

He would not have attended such a dinner party originally, but today because of her, he wanted to come and see it.

But with this glance, he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

There was obvious disappointment in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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