The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 56 Don't Get Recognized!

Chapter 56 Don't Get Recognized!
A day's activities are already commonplace for Zhou Tangtang.

But to be honest, it was really tiring.

It can only be said that she has been too leisurely these few days, and her physical strength can hardly keep up.

In the night, she rode a bicycle to Diluo College wearing a black mask.

Because she was too tired, she didn't bother to put on makeup, thinking that Han Yichen should already be in her room at this time, and she would go back to her room quickly so she wouldn't be found.

"Zhou Tangtang, stop for me!"

Han Yichen's voice came out of nowhere, and it seemed to be very close to her.

Zhou Tangtang was so frightened as if she had seen a ghost, and hurriedly tried to speed up her bicycle.

However, she was still a step slower than the other party, and the back seat of her bicycle was pulled by someone.

Under the dim street lights, that handsome and handsome figure appeared in front of him.

It was Han Yichen.

Why is he here?

But Zhou Tangtang is not in the mood to ask him these things now, because the more important point is that she hasn't put on makeup yet.

To die!

"Why didn't you come back until now, why are you wearing a mask!"

As soon as Han Yichen saw Zhou Tangtang, he started to feel disgusted.

He waited for her in the villa for so long, seeing that she didn't come back so late, he ran to the school gate to wait worriedly.

Of course, Han Yichen would never tell Zhou Tangtang these words, otherwise this girl wouldn't be up to the sky.

It's just that Zhou Tangtang didn't dare to answer him at all, because she didn't wear makeup at all at the moment.

If this is discovered, it will be over.

"Zhou Tangtang, why don't you speak?" Han Yichen looked at Zhou Tangtang suspiciously.

How did this guy turn into a plaster cast.

Han Yichen reached out and took off Zhou Tangtang's black mask, but Zhou Tangtang wanted to avoid it and shouted, "Don't take it off!"

But it was already too late.

When that suffocatingly beautiful face appeared in front of Han Yichen, he was obviously a little surprised and a little stunned.

That face didn't make one's heart beat unconsciously, it seemed to be enough to firmly attract a person's heart.

It just made him feel a little familiar.

Taking advantage of Han Yichen's daze, Zhou Tangtang quickly snatched the mask back from his hand, and put it on her face again.

"Sorry, I may have mistaken the person."

Han Yichen hurriedly apologized to Zhou Tangtang.

He just felt that the back was almost exactly the same as Zhou Tangtang, that's why he came out so definitely to stop her.

But I didn't expect to admit the wrong person.

"It's okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

As Zhou Tangtang said, she was about to ride her bicycle again, and was about to evacuate from this dangerous area quickly.

However, Han Yichen blocked him again, "Wait a minute, why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere before?"

"I..." Zhou Tangtang lowered her head and tried her best to brainstorm, trying to come up with a good reason.

What should she do.

How did she know that she would meet Han Yichen here? She was also very desperate!

But despair is despair, and there are always excuses for this.

Otherwise, what should Han Yichen doubt?

"I'm that celebrity, Alice. The one who often appears on TV is the one who sings and acts, you know?" Zhou Tangtang began to dance and draw while speaking, just to make Han Yichen believe what he said.

"You are not a student of our school, are you?"

Han Yichen's words immediately left Zhou Tangtang speechless again.

(End of this chapter)

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