Chapter 584 Warm Her Feet
Zhou Tangtang was still covering her feet.

In the next second, Han Yichen snatched his feet away.

He covered his feet with his warm hands, and at that moment, it seemed that countless electric currents spread from Zhou Tangtang's soles of her feet to her whole body.

For a moment, Zhou Tangtang was a little confused.

"Your feet are really no different from dead people's feet."

Because it's as cold as ice.

But as soon as Han Yichen uttered these words, it could be regarded as directly dispelling Zhou Tangtang's originally touched heart.

"You're dead, I'm just cold! I'm going to buy a hot water bottle and that's it."

Zhou Tangtang said as she hurriedly wanted to retract her feet.

Obviously she didn't agree with Han Yichen's adjective.

"Don't move, just like you, I think you will freeze yourself to death." Han Yichen said disgusted, but he still helped Zhou Tangtang warm his feet, and covered her other foot in his hand.

Zhou Tangtang stuck out her tongue at Han Yichen and made a grimace.

Then I continued to watch variety shows on my own.

Sure enough, it would be much better if Han Yichen covered her feet like this.

At least it made Zhou Tangtang not so cold.

Later, Han Yichen simply let Zhou Tangtang's feet rest on his lap.

He was still wearing trousers, but he still covered the whole bed warmly.

This kind of temperature is indeed very nostalgic, and seeing Zhou Tangtang getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, I can't wait to run into Han Yichen's arms with my whole body.

He was literally a warm furnace.

In the end, Zhou Tangtang couldn't help but said to Han Yichen: "Han Yichen, you are really suitable for warming the bed."

This accusation is perfect for Han Yichen.

"That's just to help you warm up." Han Yichen smiled lightly and hugged Zhou Tangtang's entire body directly into his arms.

Zhou Tangtang wanted to struggle conditionally, but she heard Han Yichen say, "You are posting so much to me, you just want to come into my arms."

Zhou Tangtang's face was flushed.

This was indeed her innermost thought, but it still made her feel a little ashamed when she was exposed by Han Yichen.

Where should he put his face from now on?

Of course, compared to the warmth of the face, at a time like this, of course the warmth is more important.

So Zhou Tangtang didn't struggle at all, leaned against Han Yichen's warm arms, and continued watching the variety show.

And because Han Yichen was holding Zhou Tangtang, he didn't have any extra hands to continue using the tablet, so he simply watched along with Zhou Tangtang.

The two of them just leaned against each other until one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Tangtang's stomach finally responded.


Her stomach yelled at Zhou Tangtang in protest.

Zhou Tangtang reached out to cover her stomach, and looked at Han Yichen behind her with a heartbroken expression.

"Han Yichen, I'm hungry."

This is basically the rhythm of begging for food from Han Yichen.

Although both of them were lying on the bed, this was obviously the rhythm of having nothing to eat.

But Zhou Tangtang wanted to ask for it from Han Yichen, and she knew that Han Yichen would find a way.

"I'll have someone deliver it."

Sure enough, Han Yichen still couldn't stand Zhou Tangtang's eye attack, he was defeated within minutes and asked to bring food over.

After it was delivered, I went down and brought it up to eat together.

This is definitely the most ideal life in Zhou Tangtang's mind.

When she got older and quit the entertainment circle, she thought about living a life with her significant other who didn't do anything but eat and drink.

(End of this chapter)

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