The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 591 Said I Have No Money!

Chapter 591 Said I Have No Money!

Zhou Tangtang could tell from Yin Canxun's face that he was not looking for Bai Xiaoyan at all.

It's to pick up girls!
Seeing that Yin Canxun was about to leave, Zhou Tangtang hurriedly shouted: "Yin Canxun, don't pick up girls, remember to find Bai Xiaoyan!"

Zhou Tangtang knew that he couldn't stop Yin Canxun from picking up girls, so he could only use this kind of cry at the moment, hoping that Yin Canxun could take the matter of finding Bai Xiaoyan to heart.

Yin Canxun casually agreed a few words, and went downstairs.

He didn't take what Zhou Tangtang said to heart at all.

This point, Zhou Tangtang can also see it.

Zhou Tangtang finally didn't dare to pin her hopes on Yin Canxun: "Why don't I go down and look for it myself."

She just wanted to get up, but was directly held down by Han Yichen.

"I don't worry if you go alone, I will accompany you."

How could he let Zhou Tangtang go on an adventure alone.

This is not his style.

After all, the bar is not any other place, there are hidden dangers everywhere, if Han Yichen hadn't followed him, Han Yichen would not have allowed Zhou Tangtang to come to the bar.

"Let me go, Bai Xiaoyan, just tell me what she looks like."

Huangfuxun, who was sitting opposite Han Yichen and Zhou Tangtang, spoke.

I feel like sitting in front of them, like a light bulb, I might as well help Zhou Tangtang find someone.

It's just that he has never seen Bai Xiaoyan, so of course he doesn't know what Bai Xiaoyan looks like.

"I'll show you the picture."

As Zhou Tangtang said, she quickly searched for photos in her mobile phone and showed them to Huangfuxun.

Huangfu Xun has always been more reliable in doing things than Yin Canxun, with Huangfu Xun's words, Zhou Tangtang naturally believed it.

Zhou Tangtang managed to find the selfie she took with Bai Xiaoyan recently.

The two girls showed up without makeup, but they were still clean and beautiful.

Huangfu Xun roughly glanced at the photo, remembered Bai Xiaoyan's appearance, and then went downstairs.

Zhou Tangtang could only continue to sit in his seat, waiting for Yin Canxun and Huangfuxun to bring him news.

Yoon Chan-hoon went to the bathroom after drinking a few glasses of wine with the beauty.

Ready to come back and fight again.

As a result, when he just walked to the corner of the bathroom, he happened to meet Bai Xiaoyan and a man.

The two had an argument.

"I said, I don't have any money anymore. Didn't I give it all to you? What on earth do you want!" Bai Xiaoyan yelled at the man angrily, turned around and wanted to leave.

In the end, the man took a step forward and directly grabbed Bai Xiaoyan's wrist, and then pulled her back with great force.

"Didn't you just participate in the shooting of Alice's MV last time? And the business in the bar has been good in the past few days, and your tips are probably quite a lot. You still say you have no money?"

"You also know the situation of my family. My parents took away all the money. Where did I get the money? I've been eating instant noodles for the past few days!"

"Stop lying to me, quickly take out the money!"

Bai Xiaoyan yelled at the man: "I said no more!"

In the end, the man actually did it directly, as if he was going to search Bai Xiaoyan's body.

"What are you doing? I even said that there is no more. It's useless for you to search..."

While cursing, Bai Xiaoyan pushed the man to keep him from moving.

But Bai Xiaoyan is a woman after all, how could she be a man's opponent.

When the man forcibly pressed against the wall and was about to search him, Yin Canxun finally couldn't help but angrily shouted: "Stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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