The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 631 She Moved Long Ago

Chapter 631 She Moved Long Ago
At this moment, the aunt who manages the dormitory is sitting in the management room. There is a computer in front of her, which is playing the latest hit TV series, which is the fantasy drama played by Zhou Tangtang and the others.

Seeing someone entered the dormitory management room, she hurriedly hid the melon seeds she had just cracked.

She took a look at Lan Guo, and when she saw the school badge hanging on Lan Guo's chest, she immediately showed a respectful face: "Okay, I'll check it for you right away."

After all, Diluo Academy is a place where rich people run around. She is just an auntie who does not want to provoke rich people.

After opening a system in the computer, Auntie Suguan entered Zhou Tangtang's name according to Lan Guo's request.

When Zhou Tangtang's photo and her room number popped up on the computer screen, she hurriedly said, "I know this girl. She moved out of the dormitory on the first day of school. This dormitory has always been empty."


Lan Guo looked at the auntie in disbelief.

Zhou Tangtang didn't live in the school dormitory, so where did she live all the time?
Auntie Su Guan thought that Lan Guo didn't hear clearly, so she said again: "She moved out."

"Then do you know where she went?"

"Yes, Master Han..." That's all the housekeeper aunt knew.

In Diluo College, there is no one who can be called Young Master Han except Han Yichen.

Lan Guo was surprised, but finally understood that Zhou Tangtang had already lived with Han Yichen.

She looked at Miyazawa who had been waiting anxiously outside through the window of the dormitory management room, and she didn't know how to go out and tell him for a while.

The matter of Zhou Tangtang living with Han Yichen was definitely not what he wanted to hear.

"Student, is there anything else you want me to check?"

Seeing that Lan Guo hadn't moved for a long time, the auntie in charge called her out.

After regaining consciousness, Lan Guo shook her head, politely said "thank you" to the housekeeper, and went out.

Seeing Lan Guo leaving, Auntie Su Guan reopened the TV series just now.

Picking up the melon seeds again, he knocked them up, and praised: "This drama is really good-looking."

Lan Guo walked out with heavy steps.

She had just left the dormitory gate when she saw Gong Ze quickly running towards her.

He grabbed Lan Guo's shoulders, stared at her anxiously and asked, "Lan Guo, where is Tangtang? How is she doing now?"

That handsome and handsome face was full of anxiety.

Lan Guo could tell that Miyazawa really cared about Zhou Tangtang.

After all, he didn't even have to give up anything for Zhou Tangtang's sake, so he could say it out loud.

There was an extraordinarily painful feeling that instantly swept through Lan Guo's heart.

Seeing that Lan Guo didn't answer for a long time, Gong Ze asked even more anxiously: "Languo, talk to me, how is Tangtang?"

He worried that Lan Guo kept silent like this because something happened to Zhou Tangtang.

"She... is fine."

Lan Guo didn't know how much effort she had to use to say such words.

She finally chose to hide it.

"Then her phone will be turned off?"

"She's tired..."

Miyazawa looked at her suspiciously, and Lan Guo tried her best to look calm.

"Are you sure she's okay?"

"Sure." Lan Guo nodded.

"Okay, I'll call her tomorrow."

In the end, Miyazawa finally gave up and let go of the two hands holding the blue fruit.

But Lan Guo clearly saw disappointment in Miyazawa's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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