Chapter 858
After hearing Zhou Tangtang's explanation, Sun Ya accepted it, so she didn't say anything else, and planned to take them in for dinner.

As soon as Sun Ya turned around, Zhou Tangtang immediately showed a smug expression to Zhou Yuanxi, as if she was showing off how perfect the reason she just gave was.

Zhou Yuanxi ignored her and walked directly into the hall.

"Hey, what about the money you just mentioned, you are not allowed to lie!"

Zhou Tangtang immediately followed Zhou Yuanxi's footsteps and asked him about the money he just asked for.

She can't let Zhou Yuanxi evade debt just like that!

"Money fan." Zhou Yuanxi rolled his eyes at her, took out a bank card from his purse, held the bank card between two slender fingers and threw it to Zhou Tangtang, "There are 500 million in it. You earn money by doing a project abroad, and the password is your birthday."

Zhou Tangtang took the bank card in a daze.

And this kind of operation?

"I just said 100 million."

Zhou Yuanxi said lightly: "For the remaining 400 million, just lie for me four times next time."


Zhou Tangtang's heart was broken.

So now I am a tool of lying in Zhou Yuanxi's heart, right?
"If you don't want it, just give it back to me." Seeing Zhou Tangtang's unwillingness, Zhou Yuanxi reached out and wanted to take back the bank card he had just thrown to her.

Seeing Zhou Yuanxi's movements, Zhou Tangtang immediately took a step back to keep a distance from him, and quickly hid the bank card behind her.

"Since you have already given it to me, how can you take it back? It's boring."

"Then what was your expression just now? Dislike?"

"It's disgusting to dislike, but it's still money, so I accepted it." Zhou Tangtang said happily.

As soon as my brother came back, his small treasury increased rapidly by 500 million.

The money is too good.

"What are you two sneaking about?" Sun Ya turned her head and found Zhou Yuanxi and Zhou Tangtang whispering something behind her.

"It's nothing."

Zhou Tangtang quickly stuffed the bank card into her pocket, it was her own little treasury.

"Come and eat quickly." Sun Ya urged them to come and eat quickly.

After the meal, Sun Ya and the others agreed that Zhou Tangtang should stay at home overnight.

Even though Zhou Tangtang really wanted to go back to school.

You can't blame her for that.

"Mom and Dad, I'm full, I'm going upstairs first." Zhou Tangtang quickly walked upstairs after finishing her meal.

Han Yichen was probably going to die of anxiety, and if he didn't call him again, he would report to him.

"Tangtang, you finally came back, don't you want to chat with us?" Sun Ya looked at Zhou Tangtang's figure going upstairs, a little sad.

"I'll go up and rest for a while, and I'll come down to accompany you immediately."

Zhou Tangtang also understood her mother's mood, but she also wanted to think about Han Yichen's mood.

So I'm going to come down to accompany my parents after reporting to Han Yichen.

And my annoying older brother.

As soon as Zhou Tangtang returned to her room, her cell phone rang.

It was Han Yichen's call.

She didn't know how many times this was the first call today. She didn't dare to answer it when she was in front of her parents just now, and she has endured it until now.


As soon as Zhou Tangtang answered the phone, Han Yichen snarled: "Zhou Tangtang, where did you go, why didn't you tell me, did you get scammed and sold?"

(End of this chapter)

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