The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 876 The first day of school, miserable

Chapter 876 The first day of school, miserable

"Tangtang, you are such a scourge." Bai Xiaoyan stretched out her hand and slapped her on the face as she spoke, slapping her palm-sized face completely, so that she wouldn't look at herself with such an expression. .

While struggling with Bai Xiaoyan's hand covering her face, Zhou Tangtang told her solemnly: "I am a good person."

This is something that needs to be emphasized!

"Okay, I see."

Bai Xiaoyan agreed, and took a look inside the class, "So should I go directly to the classroom now, or should I report to the class teacher first?"

Bai Xiaoyan has not been to school for a long time, and she has completely forgotten the rules of the school.

But for the matter of going to school, Bai Xiaoyan still rejects it in her heart.

"Why don't you go to the class teacher to report first, and I'll take you there." Zhou Tangtang is still very concerned about Bai Xiaoyan's affairs, anyway, he came to Diluo College first, so after Bai Xiaoyan came here , of course she has to take good care of her.

After sending Bai Xiaoyan to the head teacher, Zhou Tangtang returned to the class.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaoyan followed the head teacher to the classroom.

"Students, be quiet. A new student has joined our class today. Let her introduce herself to everyone."

The head teacher said and pushed Bai Xiaoyan in front of everyone.

For Bai Xiaoyan, the students in the class are familiar, at least a majority of them have seen her on TV.

"Hello everyone, my name is Bai Xiaoyan. I will be classmates with you from now on. Please take care of me." Bai Xiaoyan tried hard to suppress her desire to scold her, showing a sweet and polite smile.

After all, she herself doesn't know when she will be able to leave this ghostly place.

So before leaving, she can only try to maintain a good relationship with her classmates, otherwise her life in Diluo College may be very sad.

Bai Xiaoyan has obviously been working hard to get closer to her classmates, but the classmates don't seem to buy it.

"This Bai Xiaoyan is just a newcomer who has just become popular in the entertainment industry, and she just wants to have a place in our Diluo Academy? Impossible!"

"That's right, our Diluo Academy is not so easy to get into, and we don't know how to get in."

"She is incomparable to Miyazawa and Alice, and we are thought to be afraid of her."


The students talked a lot about this, but in the end, everyone didn't think that Bai Xiaoyan had any ability to enter Di Luo Academy.

With her fame as an entertainer?
How much fame can she have as an artist with a little ups and downs at the beginning.

With grades?
They didn't see how smart this Bai Xiaoyan was.

As for her family background, Bai Xiaoyan didn't even have one.

"Okay, you can find a seat and sit by yourself." The head teacher asked Bai Xiaoyan to step down after her self-introduction.

Bai Xiaoyan walked towards Zhou Tangtang without any hesitation.

When passing by Miyazawa on the way, Miyazawa smiled at her friendly, as if saying hello, and she responded to him.

"Xiaoyan, sit here."

Zhou Tangtang quickly pointed to a seat beside her.

Just because I knew that Bai Xiaoyan was coming, I specially prepared it for her.

Bai Xiaoyan quickly sat down.

She was only lucky that she was in the same class as Zhou Tangtang, otherwise, she felt that she might have a miserable life.

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(End of this chapter)

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