Chapter 938
"Bai Xiaoyan, you are really amazing."

Bai Xiaoyan was caught off guard by Zhou Yuanxi's sudden compliment.

So it means that although I have done three things, at least I have done them right.

"Am I right?" Bai Xiaoyan's eyes were twinkling, and she looked at Zhou Yuanxi expectantly.

Is she really self-taught?
Although it is a bit exaggerated, Bai Xiaoyan is still very confident in herself.

What if she is actually a genius who has been hidden for many years?

But just as she finished speaking, a chestnut head landed directly on her head.

Zhou Yuanxi didn't act out of compassion.

Bai Xiaoyan felt that she could hear the echo in her head.

She quickly covered her head and shouted, "It hurts!"

"Do you still know it hurts? There are so many questions, only three questions, and two questions are wrong, are you a pig?" Zhou Yuanxi just finished scolding Bai Xiaoyan, but shook his head again, "To say you are a pig is a bit insulting to a pig." .”

Bai Xiaoyan retorted angrily: "At least I got one question right. If a pig did it, he wouldn't be right!"

Compared with pigs, I am still very confident.

If she was stupider than a pig, she would just jump into the river and forget it.

Zhou Yuanxi said lightly: "Only someone as stupid as you would really want to compare with pigs."

Bai Xiaoyan's hands clenched tightly, her heart was already burning with raging anger.

So annoying.

Zhou Yuanxi's mouth is really poisonous.

But she could only endure it.

But Bai Xiaoyan has a bad temper anyway, she really wanted to bear it and let it go, but when her temper came up, she really couldn't stop it.

At most, it was just not daring to explode so clearly in front of Zhou Yuanxi.

I saw Bai Xiaoyan raised her head to look at Zhou Yuanxi with a smile, and said to him seriously: "Brother Yuanxi, have you heard that it is difficult for boys with vicious mouths to find girlfriends."

Although Bai Xiaoyan didn't directly name anyone by name, Zhou Yuanxi was able to sit in the seat smoothly.

So Bai Xiaoyan inevitably ate another chestnut head.

"Little kid, you don't have to worry about these things."

Bai Xiaoyan bared her teeth in pain, wishing she could bite directly towards Zhou Yuanxi.

But she also understands that she is not Zhou Yuanxi's opponent, the only thing she can do is endure.

"I endure, I endure, I am a ninja, don't get angry..."

"What are you mumbling about, idiot, hurry up and read the topic." Zhou Yuanxi interrupted Bai Xiaoyan's self-hypnosis, urging him to read the topic.

Bai Xiaoyan managed to suppress the anger in her heart, and reluctantly cast her eyes on the homework.

Zhou Yuanxi got Bai Xiaoyan's draft paper, took a black pen and started to calculate: "The knowledge points of this question are very basic. It's on page 32 of the book. Open it and have a look."

Bai Xiaoyan hurriedly took out the textbook from her schoolbag, and opened it.

Zhou Yuanxi drew a few strokes in her textbook: "These knowledge points are very important, and these two formulas must be memorized..."

Bai Xiaoyan asked curiously: "How do you know which page these knowledge points are on? It's too amazing."

It would be great for others to memorize the formulas, but Zhou Yuanxi even memorized the page numbers in the textbook.

It made Bai Xiaoyan feel as if the whole book was in Zhou Yuanxi's head.

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(End of this chapter)

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