The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 962 I want to protect you

Chapter 962 I want to protect you

"You just wait for bankruptcy."

Bai Xiaoyan made a funny face at Yin Canxun as she spoke.

Yin Canxun suppressed his smile and didn't speak.

Even if Bai Xiaoyan passed all the subjects, it is only a few hundred thousand dollars, which is just a drop in the bucket for Yin Canxun.

But seeing Bai Xiaoyan's complacent look, it's not easy for him to expose her.

It is estimated that Bai Xiaoyan has completely forgotten the anger that Qu Meimei brought before.

Yin Canxun asked: "By the way, what's the reason why you came to me suddenly? It shouldn't be just for the exam."

"Yeah, I almost forgot." Bai Xiaoyan scratched her hair, and when talking about money, Bai Xiaoyan was so excited that she almost forgot her most important task: "Tangtang asked me to tell you , there is a party tonight, let us join together."

Having said that, Bai Xiaoyan paused and asked, "You probably won't refuse, and then say you're going to the bar."

This is the normal state of Yin Canxun.

"Let's take a day off today, so I'll go to your boring party." Yin Canxun is a guy who thinks he's upright.

Bai Xiaoyan understood Yin Canxun's words very well.

"So you just agreed, just take me with you." Bai Xiaoyan can sit in the car by the way, it's perfect.

Originally, Zhou Tangtang would definitely be willing to take her to the dinner party, but Zhou Tangtang and Han Yichen were together, and she didn't want to be their light bulb, let alone eat dog food, so of course, she had to find other ways to compare good.

"Well, let's go."

Yin Canxun turned his car key with his index finger, and walked ahead first, and Bai Xiaoyan hurriedly trotted after him.

Who told that it was Yin Canxun's car, so of course he has the final say.

Bai Xiaoyan didn't hate him for the time being.


Han Yichen and Zhou Tangtang arrived at the hotel they had agreed with Lan Guo and the others.

This hotel was booked by Lan Guo, who specially chose a hotel with good privacy, and also booked a VIP box, which is on the first floor, so that no other idlers will appear on that floor.

But when entering the hotel, Zhou Tangtang was still very careful.

He covered his face the whole time, just like a sneaky thief.

"Tangtang, come here."

Han Yichen who was beside him suddenly called out to her and waved at her.

Then Zhou Tangtang looked around earnestly, and found that no one was looking at her, then took off the hand covering her face, and said to Han Yichen cautiously, "What are you doing? "

She was so careful not to let people see her face, she just wanted to go through the hall to the designated floor.

But he didn't expect Han Yichen to let himself get close to him.

"It's not good to be discovered later." Zhou Tangtang added another sentence.

She was also thinking about Han Yichen.

She just didn't want to drag Han Yichen into the water and be discussed by so many people on the Internet.

But Han Yichen didn't listen to what she said at all, and even took the initiative to approach Zhou Tangtang without saying a word, and even pulled her into his arms.

Surprised, Zhou Tangtang forgot to cover her face for a while, and when she realized it, she quickly covered her face with her hands again: "Han Yichen, what are you doing!"

She was almost scared to death by Han Yichen's actions.

"Protect you." Han Yichen smiled, and then covered most of her body with his coat.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~
(End of this chapter)

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