Chapter 98 I Will Kill Him
Facing Huangfuxun's question, Zhou Tangtang thought about it seriously.

When she imagined Han Yichen laughing and laughing with another girl in her mind, and then went to eat.

She really couldn't help but want to screw the opponent's head off!

"I will definitely kill them!"

Zhou Tangtang gave the answer aggressively.

Huangfu Xun smiled: "Then you now know why Han Yichen is angry?"

"Why are you angry, did you tell me just now?"

Zhou Tangtang looked at Huangfuxun suspiciously.

She only knew that she was really angry just now.

Looking at Zhou Tangtang's dazed expression, Huangfuxun didn't know what to say.

This guy is really a noob when it comes to love.

He glanced down at his mobile phone and said, "My takeaway has arrived, I'm going downstairs to get it."

"Huangfuxun, don't leave yet, you haven't finished explaining to me yet!"

Zhou Tangtang wanted to stop Huangfuxun.

However, Huangfuxun's long legs covered a long distance, Zhou Tangtang could not catch up.

At this moment, Huangfuxun said that he could not explain this matter more clearly, so he left Zhou Tangtang here alone to think about it.

Zhou Tangtang sat on the seat and stared blankly for a while.

Originally, I thought that Huangfu Xun would run away, and the monk would not be able to run away from the temple.

She had to wait for him to come back to ask for clarification, but she didn't expect that she had waited so long for Huangfu Xun to come back.

Her little brain finally turned the corner.

"Damn it, I was tricked!"

Zhou Tangtang said with an angry face.

It is estimated that Huangfu Xun really disliked her too much, and then ran away, and will definitely not come back.

Seeing that she couldn't wait for anyone, Zhou Tangtang gave up and walked towards the classroom.

When she returned to the classroom, Lan Guo had already returned.

Zhou Tangtang found that her table was full of delicious food.

"Tangtang, I don't even know what you like to eat, so I bought you these foods. People are iron rice and steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, so, eat as much as you want." She looked at Zhou Tangtang with a worried face.

She knew that Zhou Tangtang was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat, but she couldn't be hungry, so she bought a bunch of snacks for her when she came back.

"Thank you."

Zhou Tangtang looked at Lan Guo gratefully and said.

In fact, she was already full at Huangfu Xun's, but after seeing her good friend buying so many delicious snacks for her because she was worried about her, she still felt very warm in her heart.

"Why are you being polite to me? We are good friends. We should care about you." Lan Guo said proudly.

And Zhou Tangtang suddenly asked at this time: "Lan Guo, you said that if a friend of mine gets angry, how should I reconcile with him? If you say give him food, will he not?" angry with me?"

"A friend? A man or a woman?"

Lan Guo immediately became sensitive after hearing Zhou Tangtang's question, and kept asking if Zhou Tangtang was a man or a woman.

Always feel like something is going on.

"Just...a friend..."

Zhou Tangtang was a little embarrassed by Lan Guo's questioning, and she covered her face and refused to say anything.

"Oh, it's Han Yichen."

"How do you know!" Zhou Tangtang looked at Lan Guo in surprise.

She didn't remember saying this to Lan Guo.

But she can guess it, it's too good.

Seeing Zhou Tangtang's frightened look, Lan Guo knew that she had guessed right.

Immediately proudly said: "Zhou Tangtang, how many friends do you have in this school, I don't know?"

(End of this chapter)

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