The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 992 Do you remember all the chapters I said?

Chapter 992 Do You Remember Everything I Said?

"Don't worry, finish your meal obediently, I won't let you be late." Han Yichen said, bringing breakfast to Zhou Tangtang.

Let her eat quickly.

As long as Han Yichen said a word, it would be enough to stop the plane from taking off.

So of course he has absolute confidence.

"You said so." Zhou Tangtang felt a lot relieved when he heard what Han Yichen said, and then even slowed down his eating movements.

Refreshing, there is wood.

"I'll help you move the suitcase to the car."

"Well, let's go." Zhou Tangtang waved his hand, not paying attention at all.

All she could think about was eating now.

But Zhou Tangtang didn't dare to slow down too much. After almost finishing eating, he took another sandwich in his hand to eat on the way, so he gave up.

"Han Yichen, I'm fine, take me to the airport quickly!"

Zhou Tangtang hurriedly shouted at Han Yichen.

"Let's go." Han Yichen dragged Zhou Tangtang to the sports car.

Along the way, Zhou Tangtang concentrated on eating the breakfast in his hand.

After finishing eating, she wiped her hands and was ready to go to bed.

"Zhou Tangtang, you are about to get on the plane to go abroad, and you treat me like this?" Han Yichen's tone was full of jealousy, as if he was about to be abandoned by Zhou Tangtang.

As soon as Han Yichen finished speaking, Zhou Tangtang quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes: "Hahaha, I'm not going to sleep, I just want to test whether the seat is comfortable or not."

Han Yichen revealed lightly: "I didn't say you were sleeping."

This is very embarrassing.

"Don't expose me, we are still good friends."

"Whoever is your good friend, we are a good couple."

"Get out!" Zhou Tangtang silently rolled his eyes and gave Han Yichen a look.

This jump is too fast.

Han Yichen pursed his lips and smiled, anyway, in this life, he has already found someone who can spend the rest of his life with him, and he will never change.

So no matter whether it is soon or not, in Han Yichen's view, this is already an established fact.

"Tangtang, when you get there, remember to call me, and every day after that, you must video call me for more than an hour every day." Han Yichen seriously told Zhou Tangtang, this is the most basic of.

If he didn't see Zhou Tangtang for so long and didn't make a video call, he would go crazy.

"However, I should be very busy in those few days..."

"I don't listen to reasons." Han Yichen interrupted directly.

Zhou Tangtang pursed her lips, but finally obediently agreed: "I see."

"When you're abroad, if you need anything, call me as soon as possible."


Han Yichen and Zhou Tangtang set a lot of rules, and most of them were for her own good.

Zhou Tangtang also agreed.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the airport, Han Yichen felt that the feeling of parting enveloped him in an instant.

Make him a little uncomfortable.

He still went to deliver Zhou Tangtang himself.

It hurts to think about it.

Han Yichen suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road where there was a parking space.

"Han Yichen, what's wrong? Could it be that the car broke down? I have to catch a plane, and I'm in a hurry." Zhou Tangtang looked out the car window in a panic.

In the end, Han Yichen's handsome and extraordinary face approached him, and he put a lingering kiss on her lips: "Zhou Tangtang, do you remember what I said?"

"Well, remember."

(End of this chapter)

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