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Chapter 1608 Strategies...Master, double cultivation?

Chapter 1608 Strategies...Master, double cultivation?

Wu Wangtian is the most popular sect of cultivating immortals. Naturally, there are many people who want to go in to learn from teachers. If there are too many people, how will Wu Wangtian deal with it?
It is natural to choose the superior and eliminate the inferior.

For Xianmen, this method of selecting talents is of course different from the low-level method of using written tests in the mortal world. Their method of selecting talents is much more advanced. Without the knowledge of the people who go up the mountain, they are allowed to enter a fantasy. In the illusion, they will encounter various emergencies to test their character and knowledge.

For example, in Luoyang Village, when she met the victims of disasters, Fei Ziyuan donated generously without asking for anything in return. She has made up her mind to investigate, which is a manifestation of justice, and when dealing with Qingyu's affairs, she can carefully guide Qingyu, which is a manifestation of benevolence.

The good character of Fei Ziyuan is undoubtedly revealed in Luoyang Village.

But the same scenery of entering the sunset village seems to be a negative teaching material. When she meets the victims, she has no sympathy. I have to leave quickly, in the end, when faced with Qingyu's problems, compared with the kind-hearted Fei Ziyuan, she was simply extremely rude!
In terms of knowledge, not to mention, whether it is the words used to record Yuru's deeds, or the formations Yuru used, the scenery is completely unrecognizable. On the other hand, Fei Ziyuan, her level of care is really extraordinary .

Due to various reasons, this scene appeared at this time...

At the gate of the mountain, an old man with a white beard held a piece of paper and said, "Xia Fengguang failed this assessment, and there is no reason not to accept Xia Fengguang as a disciple."

The corner of Fengguang's mouth twitched, unable to refute.

Fei Ziyuan, who was qualified, was indignant, "Why is Feng Jing not qualified? The biggest contributor to Qingyu's case being solved in the end is Feng Feng. Without her, I would not have been able to catch Qingyu at all. For this reason, she It can also be qualified!"

Although they met in the illusion, Fei Ziyuan didn't think that everything that happened in the illusion was fake. Although she also thought that Fengjing had a bad temper, she felt that Fengjing had a good nature.

"He has no kindness, is rude and unreasonable, and his knowledge is even shallower. There is no excuse for not accepting such incompetent disciples." The old man has a serious face and a rigid voice. He looks stubborn and will not change his mind.

Even though Feng Feng is a princess of the East China Sea, this is Wu Wang Tian, ​​who claims to be the world's number one sect of cultivating immortals, and never treats people differently because of their different identities. Just a reasonable lady.

Feng Guang only told herself that in order to get close to Wu Ya, she had to endure it, but when she heard people say that she was "incompetent", she couldn't bear it anymore, "Hey, old man!"

The white-bearded old man paused, then said solemnly: "What did you call me?"

"I call you old man!" Feng Guang put his hands on his waist and said carelessly: "Who do you think you are, dare to say that Miss Ben is incompetent!"

"Huang Maoer, how do you talk?" The old man blew his beard and stared angrily, "Didn't your parents tell you to respect the old man?"

"If you are 160 years old, you will have the face to say big in front of me. If not, then you are no different from a yellow-mouthed child!"

(End of this chapter)

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