Chapter 1070 Their Boss
Although it was dangerous, Wancai and the others successfully completed it.

"Boss! Here!"

Ye Ling put it away, and said: "All the Xuanhun fruits here are in my hands, you lose."

"We lost! You are convinced, boss! Boss Ye Ling, we will mess with you in the future."

"Yes, yes, yes! I messed with you!"

"For the sake of us being your followers, can you give me some healing pills! I just took the healing pills I bought from Pill City, and the effect is simply too slow."

"Yes! Boss, we can buy it with money."

After witnessing Ye Ling's battle with those people in Dancheng, they already admired Ye Ling and fell to the ground.

Ye Ling said: "Okay then! Pay the money, I haven't confirmed whether you are suitable to be servants?"

"Money is not a problem!" They laughed, like the silly sons of the landlord's family.

Everyone in the academy was very curious about who would win in the end and who would be the boss among the four big local tyrants?

What left them dumbfounded was that they came back together, together...

Ye Ling went to hand in the task, a Mysterious Soul Fruit cost more than ten points, and Ye Ling handed in five hundred directly.

"Five... five hundred?"

"Yes! You can count."

"My God! How did you do that?"

"It's just that the whole mountain is not spared, so naturally I got so much."

The corner of the other party's mouth twitched wildly, "I haven't seen a student as tough as you for a long time, amazing!"

"Five hundred Profound Soul Fruits, five thousand points, are you sure you received it?"

The school card showed some points, and Ye Ling directly converted two thousand and distributed them to ten people in Wan Xincheng, and she and Yun Qi split the rest.

To be able to get so many, I thought it would be very touching for one person to get one hundred.

"Boss! There are too many, I will give you mine!"

"Yeah! We can buy it."


Ye Ling glanced at them coldly and said, "Don't you feel that the points you bought are different from the points you earned?"

They froze, yeah!It's different, they have more experience, experience, from being swallowed by piranhas without the power to resist, to finally being able to successfully avoid piranhas.

Not the same, they have reaped growth, which absolutely cannot be bought with money.

"We get it."

Even if the people from the other three big cities didn't get a point, they still happily followed them.

"It seems that Wan Xincheng won!"

"It must be luck for them to win."

"But why do I feel that they lost without any complaints?"

"It seems to be hey!"

The young masters from the four major cities formed an alliance, with Wan Xincheng as the leader. Everyone thought that Wancai became the boss, but it was not.

The real boss is Ye Ling.

"They actually united, it's just a bunch of rabble, and it's useless to unite!"

"Miss, there's a letter from home! The letter says..."

"Okay! You actually bullied me, Dancheng. Very good!" He Huan said angrily.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ling went to a metaphysics theory class today, and met a woman in white blocking the way on the way.

"I heard that Miss Ye has completed the task of Xuanhun Fruit this time. I don't know if there are any left. I am willing to buy it. I am a fifth-grade alchemist and need to use Xuanhun Fruit to make alchemy." The girl in white said sincerely, There was a look of arrogance in his eyes.

A fifth-grade pharmacist under the age of 20 is indeed something to be proud of.

(End of this chapter)

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