The Peerless Demon Concubine is too defiant

Chapter 1075 Pill City Wants to Test

Chapter 1075 Pill City Wants to Test

"In the past ten days, we have sent out invitations to the poison doctor every day, but you said that the poison doctor has disappeared. Is it too contemptuous of people? It's just a shameful poison master who came from another domain, and your street actually praised her to the sky. .” A middle-aged man in the lead cursed angrily.

"Sorry, Master Poison Doctor only sees patients and guests, you are neither, Master Poison Doctor will not see you."

"Aren't I cute? This time I brought the elixir and asked for poison to heal the disease. The reward will definitely satisfy the poison doctor. Go and tell him immediately!"

The steward said: "Your Excellency, as the Great Elder of Pill City, came to seek treatment from the poison doctor. Do you admit that all alchemists in Pill City are inferior to the poison doctor? If so, then the poison doctor should take action."

The steward's voice was not low, as soon as the words came out, everyone looked over in unison, and the face of the great elder in Pill City froze.

"You... you are very nice! Aren't you just a poison master who can't see the light? I'm not rare! Let's go!"

They came here to test the depth of that poison doctor, how could they admit that the poison masters of their alchemists in Pill City are not as good as poison masters?

When they walked over, they bumped into Ye Ling and Di Mingye, and they said arrogantly, "Get out of the way!"

Di Mingye's eyes sank, and a black flame burst out from under his palm. The steward was also surprised to see Di Mingye. This group of people was too unlucky to bump into their master.

In the end Ye Ling decided to do it himself, didn't they want to see the poison doctor?Let them meet.

Ye Ling pulled Di Mingye and walked over. He thought that these people in Pill City were going to be wiped out, but he didn't expect that nothing happened. It was the princess who stopped the master.

"Go in and talk!"


The poison doctor's reputation is getting higher and higher day by day, making Dan Cheng, who has always tolerated any competitors, very unhappy.

If the other party had set up their own family, they would have been dispatched long ago. They didn't expect that the poison doctor was cunning and let Dijie act as an intermediary.

After all, it is an underground street, even Dancheng dare not act rashly.

Ye Ling said: "I want to establish a poison doctor's school in the giant gate star field. I don't know if the steward has any suggestions?"

Ever since the concubine came, he has understood that one of the major forces in the Tanlang Starfield is the Poison Doctor Sect, which is known as one of the three sects that should not be messed with in the Tanlang Starfield.

Although they do not belong to the nine major sects, their status is obviously not weaker than theirs. The poison doctor sect was established by their princess.

The steward said: "Master Poison Doctor has this idea, but I really have some suggestions. Since Pill City dominated the entire eastern region of alchemy circles, many alchemists have been suppressed by them. It is really capable. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, if they are gathered together, under the call of you, Master Poison Doctor, it will be enough to become a powerful force."

"Okay! Then you are responsible for contacting these people."

"If you can serve Master Poison Doctor, the little one will die."

On the way back, the Great Elder in Dan City fought like he had epilepsy.

The shaking was just the beginning, and then he couldn't control his vomiting and wanted to vomit his stomach out, and after that, there was a rotten smell all over his body.

"Elder, elder, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

"I... I was poisoned, go back quickly, hurry up, the Lord City Lord will definitely have a way to detoxify."

"Poison doctor! Must be a poison doctor? He secretly poisoned me, damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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