Chapter 136
"I see." Ye Ling knew that there was absolutely nothing good for Madam Ye to let her go?

It seems that the failure of the last marriage exchange has not taught them enough lessons, so if they still don't give up, they will go meet her.

Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Ling lovingly and said, "As women, since you are married, the most important thing is to give birth to your husband!"

"I happened to get a secret recipe. If you soak it three days after the wedding, you will surely give birth to a boy! Come on! Don't ask the eldest lady to go in and soak in the medicinal bath to help give birth." Madam Ye ordered.

"Yes, ma'am!" The little girls beside Mrs. Ye are not low in strength. If Ye Ling doesn't agree, they will definitely fight hard.

Ye Ling said: "Mrs. Ye can't treat one more favorably than another! After all, Ye Yuexian is married, didn't you prepare for her?"

"Of course, my mother prepared it for me too." Yeyue Xian said.

"Come with me!" In the room, there was a screen separating the two baths, Yeyue Xian said: "I'll take a bath here, and my sister will go to the other side, how about it?"

Ye Ling nodded and said, "Alright then!"

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you wait for me and my sister to change clothes." Ye Yuexian ordered.

Ye Ling said: "No need, I will do it myself?"

When the clothes were slightly untied, Ye Yuexian didn't see the horrible and hideous pattern, but only saw a mysterious black flower.

This will not make people feel ugly, but it will make people feel a fatal attraction, because this flower seems to have a magical power, very special!
After Di Mingye was unlucky last time, the color on the black manjusawa disappeared, revealing its original appearance.

Yeling didn't want Di Mingye to sex her a third time, so she decided to leave it alone.

Yeyue Xiandao: "How come? Ye Ling, where is your birthmark? How did your birthmark become like this?"

"Di Mingye helped me, so this is the only thing left of this birthmark, Ye Yuexian, what's wrong? Are you disappointed?" Ye Ling raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was Di Mingye who helped her, that's right, if it wasn't for his first kiss, it is estimated that the first seal of Hunzhi Manzhu Shahua would not have been broken.

"Sister, you are really lucky!" Ye Yuexian squeezed out these words from between her teeth.

The ferocious birthmark that made Ye Ling look like a ghost disappeared. Coupled with Ye Ling's attractive face, seeing Brother Li Wang, he must be even more infatuated with Ye Ling!what to do?
Yeyue said: "Sister, then I'll go soak first."

So what if there is no birthmark?Stepping into this bath prepared by mother, even without the birthmark, her body would become horrific.

When Ye Ling walked into the water, the maids took all of Ye Ling's clothes. They found some poison in Ye Ling's clothes.

"Ma'am! Now that Ye Ling doesn't have poison on her body, it's much easier to deal with her! This time, I must avenge Second Miss." A confidant beside Mrs. Ye said.

"My aunt can't do without me for this kind of thing! After all, that Ye Ling was so beautiful." Knowing that his cousin was going back home, Young Master Qin came to join in the fun.

For this nephew who ruined her daughter, Mrs. Ye was also angry when she saw it, she said: "If you can still talk to that ugly monster Ye Ling, it's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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