Chapter 1460
At the same time, something happened on the other side of the Holy Lake and the Yanhu Lake.

They each mixed in with a demon clan, and what followed was a fierce melee.

They couldn't allow them to think about how these things happened together so coincidentally, it was important to destroy the demons first.

If the news of their three major factions infiltrating into the demon clan gets out, what will be the face of their three major sects?
The elders under the fury of the wind were ruthless one by one, and the demons wanted to escape, after all, the enemy is outnumbered and it is difficult to deal with them.

Their exposure was too unexpected, and the elders of the three major sects are not soft persimmons, so it is naturally difficult to escape.

This attack on the Demon Race is also a ruthless character, even if they were to be killed by these people, they would not make it easy for them.

"Soon the top ten demon kings will lead our army of demons to attack the giant gate star field. Even if you ants resist, it will be useless. Isn't it good to accept the doomed fate obediently? How dare you wait for me. "The Demon Race said arrogantly.

"Shut up, people who are not of my race must be eradicated!"


"Boom!" The demon clan's last suicide attack caused serious injuries to all the elders of the three major sects.

"Puff puff puff!" As for the lake masters, they have already moved away. The elders are powerful enough to deal with the demons, so they will not join in the fun.


"are you OK?"

The demons were already dead, and they supported the seriously injured elders one by one.

But what was strange to them was that these people did not help them go to their respective camps, but...

"Why take us to the camp in Tianhu, the old man doesn't want to see them now." Now they look very embarrassed, wouldn't it be embarrassing to meet those people.

Lake Lord Qinghu said: "But elders, Lake Lord Tianhu said that he wants to see you."

"If they want to see you, will you let me go? No, let's go back..."

"No, Elder, you have to see Lake Master Tianhu tonight!" Lake Master Qinghu said firmly, directly forcing him to go that way.

These elders are already at the end of their strength, facing the suppression of the lake masters, they can't do anything.

"You guys are so bold, are you going to betray our Fenglu Sect?"

"Our forces in the Five Lakes are originally independent, and have never belonged to any of the three major forces. How can we betray?"

"Bang bang bang!" Soon they arrived at the Tianhu camp, and everyone was here.

"Master Tianhu, what do you mean? Do you want to be an enemy of our three major forces?"

Master Rong said: "I will be the leader of the Five Lakes Alliance after Tianhu. After all, I did win the five lakes this time. But the three major forces will not know about this matter."

"It's absolutely impossible for you to lie to the world! Even if you kill us, so what? They will get the news soon. When the three major forces jointly attack, you Five Lakes can't afford it. Just admit your mistake obediently. "These elders said coldly, they really didn't cry when they saw the coffin.

"Now that the demons can be placed in the three major forces, they are already ready to move. As the strongest leaders of the Jumen star field, your three major forces are greedy to annex all parties and fight each other. If you go on like this, even if the demons don't attack, the reputation of the sects will be in jeopardy." Island Master Rong said coldly.

"What do you know? Only one overlord in the Jumen star field can be stronger, and then we can work together to deal with the demons." The elder of Fengluzong said.

(End of this chapter)

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