The Peerless Demon Concubine is too defiant

Chapter 457 Unbearable Consequences

Chapter 457 Unbearable Consequences

"Ye Ling, you're dead, don't make useless struggles." Ye Yuexian said coldly.

"Boom!" The entire competition stage was enveloped in a demonic energy, and everyone felt that Ye Ling was about to die.

"Not dead, sit down!" Ye Family Patriarch said.

They are also carefully competing with the spectators. They are happy to see Ye Ling miserable, but they must not die.

"Cough cough!" Ye Ling was a little embarrassed at this moment.

Ye Yuexian, with the attitude of a winner, strikes again, this time he will definitely kill Ye Ling.

The long whip erupted with icy light, as if it wanted to pierce through everything, and everyone was silent. There were so many treasures in the Moon Demon Palace, it actually gave the poor Shao girl a power that even frightened them.

This kind of power seemed to be beyond what Ye Ling could dodge. Ye Ling's soul power spread out, and he was keenly aware of the direction and trajectory of Ye Yuexian's attack this time, and retreated as quickly as possible.

"Damn it! Yeling, this woman Yeyuexian is crazy!" The power that Yeyuexian erupted this time was too terrifying, even if the Ye family wanted to save someone, they didn't dare to go, for fear of being erupted by Yeyuexian The magic energy is destroyed together.

"Ye Ling, I'm finally going to get rid of you." Ye Yuexian said gloomyly.

When the black demonic energy dissipated, Ye Yuexian's eyes widened, and he realized that Ye Ling was blocked by a thick shield.

The attack just now was not suitable for defensive profound weapons!
Ye Ling said: "Immortal Yeyue, you are not the only one who has defensive profound weapons, I also have defensive profound weapons.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched wildly, these two sisters are really powerful, each of them has so many powerful heavenly soldiers, if they are direct descendants of the Ye family, they can understand, but they are not!

"Damn it! I don't believe that a defensive weapon like you can keep blocking it, break it for me!"

The terrifying demonic energy tore through the air and came through, hitting Ye Ling's defensive black soldiers fiercely again!

"Crack!" This force caused great damage to Xuan Bing, so Ye Yuexian saw hope.

When Yeyuexian was about to make the third move, Yeyuexian's face suddenly became dull and bloody!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The black devilish energy scurry through her body, starting to damage her body, causing her to have black blood vessels all over her body.

Ye Ling put away his shield and said, "Oh! It's time to face the consequences of your death, Ye Yuexian!"

All kinds of dark blood vessels burst out on the face, hands, and feet, and Ye Yuexian's clothes were also burst open, revealing the black scales all over his body!

"Oh my god! This... is this still a human?"

"It's just too scary! This man is a monster!"

"You can still see that little face, but it's okay to take off your clothes!"

"Ahhh!" Ye Yuexian was mad in pain, and she was mad with anger when she heard that everyone despised her body.

Being spurned and pointed at by others was obviously the end of Ye Ling, why did she have to bear all this.

"Save me! Sister, save me, don't you look like a pharmacist? You should know why I became like this? I'm your only relative now, you can't just ignore death! I won't be angry with you anymore, no I'm arguing with you!" Her face was almost swollen into a black balloon, even though she was crying miserably, she didn't look as cute and pitiful as before.

"Heaven committed evil, you can still live, self-inflicted evil can't live! If you don't follow me, I can send you to Huangquan Road, so that you can escape the pain." Even if you kill Ye Yuexian, you will be hunted down by the Moon Demon Palace, Ye Ling chooses at this time without hesitation It's time to start.

(End of this chapter)

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