The Peerless Demon Concubine is too defiant

Chapter 581 You Are Not Curious

Chapter 581 You Are Not Curious

Ye Ling even suspected that this guy made such a decision because he knew the way to unlock Shahua's second seal. Of course, judging from the original situation, the possibility was very low.

Di Mingye replied: "Of course I don't know, if I know, I..."

As Di Mingye said, he suddenly opened Yeling's clothes indirectly.

Suddenly, I saw that the totem of the black manjusawa became much smaller, and it was also extremely delicate.

He was slightly taken aback, "The second seal is released? That's great!"

Di Mingye hugged him tightly and kissed him, his heart seemed to be lit on fire, but...

Di Mingye remembered his state, and his face sank slightly.

"Damn it!" Di Mingye cursed in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, Di Mingye smelled Ye Ling fiercely, passionately and eagerly.

"This king has not yet recovered his physical body."

It was not easy to learn that the seal was broken, but because of the self-destructive body and self-destructive soul, even if the fire of life is not extinguished, it is very simple to survive, but he still needs to recover some strength to restore his body.

"When the king regains his physical body, it's time to consummate the marriage with the princess, just wait!" Di Mingye said in Ye Ling's ear.

"You are dead, I think our engagement should end, Your Highness Pluto!"

"Then who is this king standing in front of you? Zero, it is impossible to end the engagement." Di Mingye said domineeringly.

"Aren't you curious, how did the seal break?" Ye Ling thought of the two conditions needed to break the seal.

Obviously, the two of them took what they needed at first, but Di Mingye unexpectedly... somehow developed feelings for each other.

"It's good that the second layer of seal is unlocked. As for how Zero was unlocked, you don't want to say it." Di Mingye replied.

"You said this, so I won't say it, don't regret it." I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know his feelings.

Anyway, it was just like this that the seal was untied.

"What I regret most now is that I don't have a physical body!" After the seal was released, he could finally make her his wife worthy of the name.

"Di Mingye, I will do my best to detoxify you." Ye Ling looked at Di Mingye and said.

"It's natural to try your best, but this king will not allow methods that harm your own body." Di Mingye replied.

"Don't worry, I still cherish my little life."

"That's good!" The slender hand landed on Ye Ling's face, and he, who was condensed into a human form, turned into a ball of flame again.

"This king needs to sleep for a while, Ling is not allowed to drive me away."

Ye Ling could sense the existence of the natal flame with the inner vision of the soul, "I won't drive you away, but try to see if I can absorb your poison when you are in this form."

"Master, I'll help you!" Little was slowly getting greedy, especially after Sha Hua unblocked and stimulated it, if it didn't work hard to become stronger, it would be bullied to death by Sha Hua.

Ye Ling's soul power enveloped the flame, which was hot and powerful. At the same time, he performed his exercises to absorb the poison in the soul in the fire of his life.

The souls of the two touched, and Ye Ling's heart trembled suddenly.

"It seems that the king's decision is correct, so that we can get closer to zero."

In the past, it was mostly physical contact, but now it is the soul touching and colliding, which makes the relationship between them more intimate.

This made Di Mingye very satisfied, he did not make a mistake in this decision.

 It's almost midnight, let's update the two chapters written first, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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