Chapter 599 is to bully you

That beautiful and youngest one is actually the core task of the geniuses in the Great Yan Kingdom. No one in the Great Yan Kingdom dares to object to this point.

"Then hurry up and invite Ye Ling." Sanhuang knew.

After learning about it, Ye Ling said, "Let them wait. If you don't want to wait too long, just kneel and wait. Maybe I'll see them soon when I'm in a good mood."

Hearing the words of Anxiu's transmission of Ye Ling, the third prince and Na thought that the county king was about to explode.

"It's just too deceiving."

Dark cultivator said: "So what if you bully you? You asked for it, otherwise my Yeling boss wouldn't have the leisure to bully you, you should feel honored?"

"Honored?" Their faces were almost green with anger.

They really wanted to leave, but this was His Majesty's order, and they had to fulfill it.

I don't know what kind of tricks these people from Dayan Kingdom used to sue His Majesty.

After Lindi learned about this matter, he dealt with everyone severely, and the first to bear the brunt was the county king whom the third prince fawned on.

If he doesn't make a proper apology, his county king will lose his job and be demoted.

Wait, just wait!
Ye Ling was too lazy to talk to them when he was practicing, and he didn't come to see them until sunset.

Ye Ling slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "I've said I'll apologize, but what about Li? If not, is this still an apology?"

The king of the county said with a smile: "About Dayan Kingdom's cancellation of the sect's selection competition, I just slipped my tongue. I was drunk that day and people misunderstood it. Everyone in Dayan Kingdom has been wronged by this. , I sincerely apologize. I will not talk nonsense again in the future, this is a small gesture, please forgive me."

The king of the county gave some jewelry that girls like, Ye Ling said: "If you want to make an apology, you have to be a little sincere, the most sincere performance. Don't give these useless things, just give money!"

"This is one hundred thousand spiritual jade, a little heart!" In order to keep his position, the county king is still willing to spend all his money.

Ye Ling said: "Oh! Then I will accept it. You, pay ten times! Otherwise, this matter will never end."

The third prince of Mingguo just felt aggrieved, he didn't get any benefits and was beaten, and this woman wanted to blackmail him.

"He is 100, why do I want [-] million? It's a little too much! I can't afford that much at all."

"If it wasn't for you, you wouldn't have made such a mess, and you're just the third prince of a famous country. He's a local snake anyway, so what if I bully you hard?" Ye Ling raised his eyebrows.

For a moment, he was speechless.

"Hahaha! It's only 100 million, don't be so stingy, if it's not enough, I'll lend it to you." The county king just wanted to solve this matter quickly, and get it done sooner!

The king of the county is now facing Ye Ling, and the third prince is about to vomit blood, so he has no choice but to settle the matter.

This time when he came to Chuan Kingdom, he was really unlucky. If he broke his fortune, he would forget about it. He was also beaten, humiliated, and forced to apologize.

The selection competition is coming soon, he must achieve outstanding results in the selection competition, enter the selection competition of the sect, and become a disciple of the sect, he must make it difficult for women to look good.

Ye Ling said: "Okay, the previous matter is over. You'd better pray that you don't meet me in the selection competition, otherwise I will beat you like a dog."

The third prince replied: "If you meet me, I will definitely not let you sneak attack, but I want to see, who will be afraid of whom?"

 See you tomorrow night!

(End of this chapter)

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