Chapter 616 She Did It
The two brothers also only felt deep despair, being surrounded by people every day, and those who were ridiculed by them were about to despair.

"Brother, why don't we give up!"

"No, give up now, I'm not reconciled!"


"Boom!" There was a loud noise, dust was flying, and a fiery red figure circled around a huge monster.

A dark light flashed, and the sharp flying knife directly removed one of the three-star demon's claws.

"Pfft!" Black blood splattered out, and the dark purple mandala was entangled with it. Because it was bleeding, it was more convenient for them to poison it.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling swung his saber, "The second form of Tianxuan Xingji, Linyue!"

"Boom!" There was a terrifying loud noise, and Ye Ling had firmly gained the upper hand in this confrontation.

An explosion full of powerful magic runes directly caused the three-star demons to fall to the ground, and Ye Ling followed up with a make-up.

"Puff puff!"

Power doesn't need money, Ye Ling goes all out to fight, the poison has penetrated into the bone marrow of this three-star demon, it will soon be difficult to get up and fight again.

A crazy killing intent flashed in its eyes, unwilling to be killed by such a weak human being like this, it wanted to continue to struggle, but Ye Ling's poison, after much research with Xiao Slowly, was the three-star demon There is no doubt that the clan will die.

It couldn't struggle, its breath became weaker and weaker, and it died extremely unwillingly.

"After tossing and tossing for so long, it's finally settled. Go back to the city immediately to get the map." Ye Ling put the large map into the space, and quickly swept towards the city.

When the two door god brothers saw Ye Ling, they felt incredible, "This... this aunt is back."

"She should have given up hunting the three-star demons, so she came back safely."

Ye Ling said: "I'm in a good mood, I'll let you go free after I get the map."

"What? Could it be that you hunted down the three-star demons?"

"No way?" The two brothers couldn't believe it.

Because of the contributions of these two brothers, most people in the city knew that the little girl went to hunt and kill the three-star demon clan, and she was only a three-star Xuanhuang, which was simply impossible.

But now that she came back, she came back unscathed and without missing arms or legs. Everyone was very curious to watch her go to that sect station.

Ye Ling said: "I'll get the map!"

"Where is the demon you hunted? Take it out!"


Ye Ling retreated, and a huge monster moved out from the space, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

"This... this is the three-star demon clan?"

"She really hunted down the three-star demons, she couldn't have picked up a ready-made dead one!"

"It's unbelievable."

The steward at the station was also a little surprised. After checking it, he said: "There are profound energy fluctuations on this mysterious beast. You committed suicide yourself. The three-star demons are accurate. This is the map you want."

One star depends on the rough map, there is only one piece of paper, but the three-star demons are carefully packed in a box.

After Ye Ling got the map, they believed that this little girl had really hunted down the three-star demon clan by herself. How did she do it?
Three-star map, the only three-star map appeared in their city. After the three-star map was issued, the steward came out of the station and was about to leave.

"My lord, why did you leave? We haven't got the map yet?" Someone said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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