The Peerless Demon Concubine is too defiant

Chapter 619 They can't afford to mess with this human being

Chapter 619 They can't afford to mess with this human being

A white knife light suddenly appeared, drawing bloodstains on these monsters fiercely.

Mysterious energy circulated rapidly, and swung the saber again.

Melee, fighting, she still doesn't know what kind of opponents she will meet in the core area, so she has to slow herself down and become stronger as much as possible.

It is not a problem for Di Mingye to be promoted, but the foundation must be stable, and the actual combat experience must keep up with her promotion speed.

"Boom!" There was a burst of loud noises, and Ye Ling shuttled among the large group of monsters, fighting fiercely, and the attack became more ferocious.

After facing the powerful offensive of the three-star demon clan, no matter how many monsters there are now, Ye Ling can cope with it with ease.

After beheading these demonic beasts, they will not waste their demonic energy, their soul power will run, put them away, put them all away.

"Phantom Moon!"

"Falling to the moon!"

Not only knife skills, poison skills, but also magic talisman skills are constantly practiced and mastered in such melee.

Facing such a human, these monsters only feel that this human is more terrifying than the demons.

"Ho Ho Ho!" Some monsters had given up fighting Ye Ling, and ran out of the city directly calling their friends.

They can't afford to mess with this human being, can't they run away?
The wave of monster beasts suddenly decreased a lot. The people who besieged Ye Ling in the city before probably would not have imagined that the panicked monsters were scared away by Ye Ling alone.

More and more monsters were running, Ye Ling said: "It's boring, what are you running for? It seems that I should start too."

After the training was over, Ye Ling headed towards the core area guided on the map.

She met a lot of demons on the road, and Ye Ling eliminated the blockers without saying a word. So far, she has not encountered such a difficult opponent.

After that, she met a guy who was close to the three-star demon clan.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Slowly are gearing up and ready to do it, "Master, let's do it!"

Ye Ling said: "Let me try it first, if you can't figure it out, you can take action again."

Ye Ling stepped on ghost steps, avoided the attack of this demon, and turned into an afterimage in the air. He swung the knife quickly, and the terrifying light of the knife suddenly appeared.

"Bang bang bang!" The knife light only left a very shallow mark on its body, and soon the demon race counterattacked.

The terrifying demon energy came straight at him, and Ye Ling hurriedly dodged and mobilized the magic talisman formation, but he was still thrown back dozens of steps.

Sure enough, there was no Xiaowu to block the powerful attacking power of the demons, and it was a bit difficult for her to resist the three-star Xuanhuang. The mysterious energy in Ye Ling's body boiled up, and he held the white jade star blade tightly, and golden light burst out.

"Puff puff!"

After the second knife was successful, Ye Ling swung another knife in one go: "The second style of Tianxuan Xingji, Linyue."

"Bang bang bang!"

"Roar!" There was a roar, which shocked some weaker demons and monsters to run out, but it also alarmed others.

"Your Highness, there is at least one two star on that side."

"Go! Don't let go of two or three stars." A pink figure flitted past.

At this time, Ye Ling had already left a wound on the demon clan. She was very embarrassed, and the demon clan was not much better?
After fighting for a while, let Xiaowu and Xiao slowly join forces to clean it up.

"The two-star demons are almost three-star, and that girl is a three-star Xuanhuang!" The few people who came saw this scene, and felt it was incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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