The Peerless Demon Concubine is too defiant

Chapter 668 The key to unlock the treasure

Chapter 668 The key to unlock the treasure

She had two pentagrams, she took out one and put it in that place, and pressed it in!

In an instant, the power of the stars erupted throughout the Ye Family Ancient Palace, making the people here feel extremely comfortable. ,

"What kind of power is this, I seem to have some insight!"

"Feel refreshed."


Entering the ancient palace of the Ye family, no matter what secrets these people have?They can at least prove the existence of the Ye family, so they will give some gifts.

The huge forces that once guarded the peace and tranquility of the entire star field can only use this method to prove that they once existed in this world, which makes people feel inexplicably sad.

A pentagram opens a door, it is not only the key to guide the way, but also the key to unlock the treasure.

There are countless formations on the ground, and the core is a lake of yin and yang. There is a poisonous breath coming from the black lake, making it active.

"Master, you're lucky, you managed to get to such a place in one draw."

Xiao Slowly was already ready to move towards the Lake of Yin, Yun Qi looked at the Lake of Yang, and he sighed: "Wonderful! It is indeed a place created by the Guardian Clan, with such a method of mutual generation and restraint, there are also mysterious ancient stars. A powerful body tempering lake, tempering the body in this yang, even if the level cannot be improved, it can make people have a physique far beyond ordinary people."

"Good vision!" Ye Ling said.

"Such a good thing can't be missed, but Ling, you are a woman, you go to Bubbles first, we will definitely not peep." Yun Qi said.

"If you dare to peek, I will definitely not forgive you." Gu Yue said coldly.

"Such a good place is not something you can monopolize. Make way for us first. Also, hand over the pentagram in your hands." The person who came was the prince of the Lancang Dynasty, and their team became even bigger. stand up.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that we are right to follow you!"

"As expected of the prince of the dynasty, we will make a lot of money following you."

These are stragglers who came here to hug Prince Lancang's thighs, hoping to break through the protective array of these treasures and get the treasures by following him.

Prince Lancang had no choice, but he had a pentagram in his hand, saw the sign of the pentagram, and used the pentagram to find such a good place.

"If you don't get the treasure, taking a dip in such a holy lake is not a small gain! Pentagrams are consumables. I think you have consumed one, and you still have two in hand! This prince is not too much, as long as You hand over one, and we will share this holy lake equally, otherwise, you can find other places!" said Prince Canglan.

I was afraid of their strength before and didn't want to make too much noise before finding the treasure and cause losses. Now that the treasure is found, it's time to tear up my face. He has plenty of people.

Ye Ling said: "We found this place, you are not qualified to monopolize it! The pentagram is ours, why should we give you one, you feel too good about yourself!"

"It seems that you don't accept my suggestion! Very good, then I want both." Prince Lancang's eyes flashed greedy, if he gets two more, he can find two more places like this , the harvest is definitely not small.

Compared to grabbing the pentagram in the hands of Prince Tianyue, it is obviously much easier to grab these four people, and you can grab two of them in one grab.

"Do it! Get them and grab the pentagram in their hands! What awaits us is a great opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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