The Peerless Demon Concubine is too defiant

Chapter 963 Attracted a Big Devil

Chapter 963 Attracted a Big Devil
It's Ye Chen!
No one was seen, but Jian Qi Ye Ling had already recognized Ye Chen.

He remembered that when the tower was broken, Di Mingye protected her, and Ye Chen also rushed over.

"Roar!" Unwilling, this monster lost its claws and opened its fangs to swallow Ye Ling.

Ye Ling destroyed it with one knife, and the golden light of the knife made it stagnate in mid-air.

"Puff puff!" Blood spattered out, and Ye Ling backed away.

"Bang!" The beast was dealt with, but there were countless sword qis attacking her.

Ye Chen was dressed in black and stepped on the black grass, Ye Ling said: "Senior brother."

"Elder Ye, that old guy, Sect Master Tiansheng, is done. You came here just because of me, and you still want to kill me." Ye Ling said helplessly.

"I want to kill you, so run quickly!" His hand trembled slightly, and he swung his sword towards Ye Ling.

This is the endless demon world, full of magic energy, and Ye Ling uses the magic talisman technique at a low level.

Ye Ling knew very well that her senior brother's behavior was in a contest with his thoughts, and his behavior was not under his control.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have caught up and said he wanted to kill her, and then let her run away.

"Okay, I'll run! You chase slowly!" Ye Ling knew that he had to defeat his senior brother, and it was best to let his senior brother stand up for a while.

This time, without the help of Master PY, she can only rely on herself, which is very difficult to achieve, and she must first ask her seniors to survive.

"Boom!" There were loud noises, and there were many monsters around.

Ye Chen was distracted by the monster's attack, allowing Ye Ling to find a chance to fight back.

A large array of magic talismans appeared in the air. Ye Ling wanted to imprison Ye Chen, but Ye Chen could break free every time.

They chased after each other in a stalemate until they met a group of demons.

"In such a place, you can meet human beings who have broken into the demon world, and they are still human beings who can kill each other."

"And it's a very weak human being, that woman is a beauty!"


These demons all looked crooked, and when they looked at Ye Ling, an evil light flashed in their eyes.

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, "This is the person I want to kill, no one can move."

The sword energy attacked without any delay, and these demons quickly avoided it.

"Boy, the tone is really not small. You can stop the person we like, but I want to see you, a human being, what skills do you have? Kill this man." These demons laughed ferociously. .

Ye Chen gave up fighting Ye Ling, and fought these demons one against ten.

Killing and guarding are two completely opposite actions. When Ye Ling's safety is threatened by others, the latter obviously has the upper hand.

It was impossible for Ye Ling to let him fight alone, and a majestic demonic energy erupted in an instant.

"Moqi, this woman is a demon."

Countless magic runes appeared and roared towards them.


"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises.

"This woman is not a demon, she is actually a magic talisman master."

It was difficult for Ye Chen to stop so many people by himself, and the other party used magic skills to kill Ye Ling.

"Meow!" Chu Lai exploded with holy divine power, washing away all the devilish energy and keeping Ye Ling from being hurt by them.

"Bang bang bang!" The ten demons couldn't take down two humans.

They were very unconvinced, and one by one broke out into an amazing tacit understanding, wanting to take them down.

Xiao Wuyi wanted to protect his master, but he didn't expect what kind of influence it would have on this side of the devil world with its divine power?

The impact is that a big devil is attracted.

"This breath of divine power..." A black figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Ling and Ye Chen.

"It's you……"

(End of this chapter)

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