Adorable Sweet Wife: President's Husband: Love God

Chapter 129 Is Chenchen's Mom Still in Contact with Jue?

Chapter 129 Is Chenchen's Mom Still in Contact with Jue?
After eating the fruit, Lu Qingcheng yawned: "Well, I'm so sleepy. My sister-in-law and I... oh no, Youran is going to sleep. As the saying goes, men and women are different, so I won't leave Brother Beicheng to rest here, Beicheng Brother, goodbye~"

As Lu Qingcheng said, he had already personally sent Huo Beicheng to the door of the room.

"Good night ha~"

Huo Beicheng looked at the door that was slammed mercilessly, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Obviously it was Lu Qingcheng who called him to help save the situation.

Now that he is used up, he is so ruthlessly discarded.

Sure enough, he has the same virtue as Ajue!
Huo Beicheng, who was infinitely depressed, called the dean and opened another room next door.

inside the room.

Lu Qingcheng walked up to Qin Youran and looked at her with a smile on her face: "Youran, I've heard your song before. It's really good. I'm your fan! Come on, sign me up! "

After speaking, Lu Qingcheng really took the pen and paper and handed it over, and Qin Youran was instantly amused by the adoring expression on his face.

The atmosphere in the room, which seemed a little awkward because they were not familiar with each other, instantly became lively.

After turning off the lights.

The two of them lay on the bed, leaning against each other, chatting casually.

"Qingcheng, can I ask you a question?" Qin Youran looked at the hazy moonlight projected from the window onto the ceiling.

"Yes, you can ask." Lu Qingcheng smiled slightly.

"Chenchen's there still contact with Jue?" As soon as she asked, even she herself felt a little awkward. After all, she and Lu Dijue hadn't reached the point of discussing marriage yet, so she was so anxious He patiently expressed his intention to inquire about his ex-wife, but if he didn't ask, he always held his breath in his heart.

"Well, as far as I know, since Chenchen was born until now, my brother has never had contact with that woman! Besides, I didn't let Chenchen ask any questions about Mommy before, that's my brother's taboo! "Lu Qingcheng was blunt.

"Never contacted so far?" Qin Youran was a little surprised. She is also a mother herself, and she can understand that a mother will always have an inseparable love for her child. If she never contacted her, wouldn't she miss her own flesh and blood?It's really hard to understand.

"Yeah. I have never contacted. I have never seen what that woman looks like. My brother has never mentioned her. It seems that she is a non-existent person!" Lu Qingcheng sighed: "It's just suffering from Chenchen. , although the family is rich, but a child without a mother is always missing a complete love."

"If... I mean, if I can get together with Jue in the end and get married, I promise to love Chenchen as my own child. Make up for the maternal love he lacks." Qin Youran said sincerely.

Lu Qingcheng held Qin Youran's hand: "I believe in you."

After a while, he sighed again: "Youran, I like you very much, and I really hope that you will become my sister-in-law. But, to tell you the truth, our family is quite strict about choosing a mistress. , and my mother is rather rigid, I'm worried..."

Lu Qingcheng shook her head: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. My brother is such a smart person, he must be able to withstand the pressure of the family and give you a happy future."

Qin Youran didn't answer immediately.

The room fell silent immediately.

After half a sound.

"Qingcheng." Qin Youran called in a low voice in the darkness.

"What's wrong?" Lu Qingcheng asked.

(End of this chapter)

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