Adorable Sweet Wife: President's Husband: Love God

Chapter 136 You Are All Adults, Why Are You Pretentious?

Chapter 136 You Are All Adults, Why Are You Pretentious?

The next day.

Imperial International Airport.

Lu Dijue was pushing a large 28-inch suitcase, and Qin Youran was holding two children in his left and right hands.

From a distance, the cliff is a family of four traveling.

Lu Dijue did not go to get the boarding pass, but entered through the VIP passage and entered a small apron.

Although Qin Youran has never been on a plane before, she has a general understanding of the boarding sequence.

"Jeez, did we go the wrong way?" Qin Youran was full of worry, mainly because he was worried that he missed the boarding time, and he would have to change the ticket at that time.

"That's right. Come with me." Lu Dijue pushed the luggage to the staff walking by, then took Qin Youran's hand and walked towards the small passenger plane in the middle of the apron.

The two cute buns carrying cartoon schoolbags followed behind the adults, their short legs striding really fast!

The airliner descends a flight of stairs.

The stairs were covered with a red carpet, winding all the way to Qin Youran's feet.

Qin Youran glanced at the large passenger plane in the distance, feeling a little dazed: "This... seems to be a private plane! But didn't we book the economy class of Air China last night?"

Moreover, at that time, she also paid special attention to the price of the air ticket.

What Lu Dijue told her was the 5% discount on the economy class ticket, which was very affordable!
Qin Youran, who was worried about spending too much, was persuaded immediately.

After all, it is a special air ticket, so if you grab one, you will lose one!

Lu Dijue didn't speak, he put his arms around Qin Youran's waist and led her to the plane.

After entering the cabin, Qin Youran was even more shocked.

The luxury is simply a well-equipped presidential suite, including a gym and a small swimming pool. On the second floor, there is a plant room with a small flower garden. Next to it is a transparent study room, with wooden bookshelves neatly arranged Contains world classics in various languages.

on the airplane.

Reading, viewing flowers, exercising.


Qin Youran walked around, then returned to Lu Dijue with a face full of shock and worry.

She turned her head dumbfounded to look at the man sitting on the ultra-luxurious sofa with his eyes closed and meditating: "Jeez, have you won the lottery?"

Lu Dijue opened his eyes, rested his chin lazily with one hand, raised his curly eyelashes and looked at Qin Youran, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, with a playful smile: "Did you find out?"

Qin Youran puffed up her cheeks, and punched the man's chest: "Be serious!"

"It's a partner of the company. He heard that I was going on a trip, so he borrowed his private plane for me." Lu Dijue stated without haste.

"Your partner is quite generous! Is it male or female?" Qin Youran asked.

Lu Dijue stared into Qin Youran's eyes, smiled without saying a word.

"It's a woman, right! I said that if you don't have anything to do, it's rape or theft! That woman must be coveting your beauty and borrowing your plane to sell you favors in order to impress you. Sir, you must Don't be tempted by women outside!" Qin Youran took a bite.

Lu Dijue raised his hand and pinched the woman's swollen cheeks: "Don't worry. I'm yours, no one can take it away. But..."

"But what?" Qin Youran frowned, inexplicably having a bad premonition.

"However, all men have needs. You always don't touch me. After a long time, I'm really afraid that I can't help it and steal sex outside." Lu Dijue deliberately teased.

Qin Youran lowered her eyes and looked at her toes.

You're right, they're all adults, so what's the point?

If it wasn't for the fact that she was so influenced by the first time that she subconsciously rejected that kind of thing, she might have handed herself over to Lu Dijue long ago.

After all, she really loves this man now.

(End of this chapter)

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