Adorable Sweet Wife: President's Husband: Love God

Chapter 169 But you can only marry one woman after all.

Chapter 169 But you can only marry one woman after all.

Hearing these words, Lu Dijue frowned slightly, and his voice became colder: "So, this is why Mom suddenly called me back tonight, reminding me that I have a marriage contract?"

Listening to Lu Dijue's tone, Tang Furong frowned her brows which were originally calm and flat. Although her voice still maintained the elegance and stability of a noble lady, there was a bit of reproach in her tone.

"Ah Jue, you made a child outside four years ago. Mom and dad didn't say a word about you, and mom and dad valued Chenchen more than life. He is the eldest grandson of our family, and he will naturally will be your heir.

The marriage contract between the Lu family and the Huo family was established as early as your grandfather's generation.Now that you and the daughters of the Huo family have reached the age when men and women should marry, shouldn't we put the marriage contract on the agenda? "

Lu Dijue walked forward slowly with his slender legs, and smiled: "Marriage with fingertips? What year is this, is it interesting?"

Tang Furong closed her eyes and frowned, "Ah Jue, Mom knows that twisted melons are not sweet, but this is the only last wish of your grandfather and grandmother before they passed away.

Moreover, the Huo family's daughter has the title of the No. 1 Yuan in the imperial capital. Her looks, personality, and family background are all the best match for you. The most important thing is that she has always admired you since she was a child. If you marry her, you will gain nothing One harm. "

Lu Dijue didn't speak, but looked forward with deep eyes.

Tang Furong waited for about ten seconds, but did not hear her son's voice, so she continued to persuade her patiently: "You and the Huo family's daughter, it was your grandpa who asked the eminent monk to calculate the horoscope before he was alive. It is said that it is a golden and jade match from heaven. Outside Your Yingyingyanyan is good, but you can only marry one woman after all."

Lu Dijue stopped in his tracks, slowly turned his handsome face, and his eyes fell on Tang Furong's well-maintained and charming face: "Mom, you know I went to listen to the wind and watch the sea today, so you called me Let's go home."

Tang Furong lowered her eyes and coughed lowly: "Tingfeng Guanhai is the place where your father made love to me and proposed to me. Later, to commemorate, your father bought that place, and the lobby manager told me about your I brought a woman there, it seems...that woman has a daughter..."

Lu Dijue looked straight at Tang Furong without any evasion: "Mom, since you said it, I'll make it clear. Not only will I take her there tonight, but I will also give her the ancestral watch. , I'm not sure she won't marry, I say that, is it clear enough?"

Tang Furong's eyes suddenly widened, and the face of the elegant lady who had been restrained all the time became distorted due to too much anger, and her voice was raised two points: "You want to marry a woman with children? Even regardless of your grandparents dying The previous last wish? And disregarding the face of our Lu family in the imperial capital?"

There are three questions in succession.

A sentence is sharper than a sentence, and a sentence is sharper than a sentence.

After finishing speaking, Tang Furong held down her temples which were throbbing because of anger, her body even shook a little unsteadily, but fortunately Lu Dijue supported her in time.

Because he was worried that his anger would cause Tang Furong's heart attack, Lu Dijue could only soften his tone temporarily: "Mom, it's rare for me to bring Chenchen back here. Let's not talk about such serious issues for now, let's talk about something lighthearted and joyful." topic, isn't it good?"

(End of this chapter)

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