First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1004 The Whereabouts of the Secret

Chapter 1004 The Whereabouts of the Secret

"Master, will the "Secrets of the Soul Master" be on Gong Xu's body?" Meng Feifei suddenly stopped and looked at Jing Ge when he was about to return to the gate of Tianlan Academy.

Jing Ge's eyes flickered, and instead of answering Meng Feifei in a hurry, he glanced at Bai Yeling and asked, "Do you think "Secrets of the Soul Master" will be on Gong Xu?"

In fact, Jing Ge wanted to know more, given the friendship between Bai Yeling and Gong Xu, if the other party held the "Secret of the Soul Master" they needed, would they give the secret to Bai Yeling?

This is what she wants to know most.

If Gong Xu refused to give it, they would reveal their purpose of coming here too early, and their subsequent actions would be severely restricted.

Bai Yeling shook his head slightly, expressing that he was not sure, he and Gong Xu hadn't seen each other for many years, and it was just some friendship at the beginning, and Gong Xu owed Bai Yeling a favor.

The little favor he owed was not enough for Gong Xu to hand over such an important secret as "Secret of the Soul Master".

Otherwise, at the beginning, Bai Yeling would directly say that he had a way to get the secret, and he didn't need Jing Ge to accompany him to take the risk.

Although Bai Yeling didn't speak, Jing Ge easily understood his eyes, nodded clearly, and then said to Meng Feifei: "This is not sure yet, the information we got is only about "Secrets of the Soul Master" It's in Tianlan College, but it's not sure where and who owns it.

In addition, this matter is still in a state of secrecy, including Gong Xu himself does not know, you must be careful when you go back, and don't accidentally let it slip. "

When Jing Ge said these words, she just thought that Meng Feifei was favored by Gong Xu because of her superb Lei Lingen and her rapid progress in cultivation, so the relationship between the two naturally became closer.

Although she didn't know how close she was, she still had to remind Meng Feifei to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

She knew how Meng Feifei was, if something went wrong because of him, he would definitely blame himself and feel guilty for the rest of his life.

So it would be better for her to explain clearly the things that need to be paid attention to at the beginning.

Meng Feifei looked at the master who didn't know the inside story, could only grit his back teeth, and nodded in response.

He didn't dare to tell Jing Ge about Gong Xu's harassment of him. The master came to Tianlan Academy to deal with important matters.

Just leave this trivial matter for him to worry about. If he tells the master about it, it will affect the master's work and make the master worry.

This is not the result Meng Feifei wanted.

As for Gong Xu, as long as he doesn't let go, I believe that person will not dare to use force on him in the academy.

Even if a person like Gong Xu doesn't care about his own reputation, he still has to think about the reputation of Tianlan College, so Meng Feifei has reason to believe that as long as he is still in Tianlan College, as long as he doesn't let go, he will be safe.

"Master, please don't worry, I will definitely assist the master to find out the "Secret of the Soul Master" as soon as possible." He had a hunch that even if the secret book was not in Gong Xu's possession, he would definitely know the whereabouts of the secret.

So he still has to start with Gong Xu, learn the whereabouts of the secret as soon as possible, and try to get the master to leave here earlier before the ten elders of Tianlan Academy return.

If those ten old stubborn come back and see that the master broke up and became a temporary lecturer of the alchemist branch, they will definitely embarrass the master.

Meng Feifei was stunned for a moment, thinking about many things.

It wasn't until Jing Ge called him the third time that Meng Feifei came back to his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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