Chapter 1007

The lecturer stood in front of the blackboard, kept patting the table with his hands, and looked at Meng Feifei angrily.

He seemed to be in disbelief that someone would dare to wander off in his class, and the anger in his eyes was about to turn into substance.

Meng Feifei stood up, still holding the theoretical textbook in his hand, and walked towards the back of the school with no expression on his face.

Instead of feeling ashamed of being called out, he was still complaining in his heart, why didn't the teacher just let him stand outside?

If he was punished to stand outside, he could sneak away and run to see the master.

It's a pity that things don't go as expected.

Meng Feifei stood at the back, and the colleges sitting behind all cast strange glances at him, and some even started to bow their heads and whisper to each other.

"Have you heard? Meng Feifei has been doing things in the pharmacist branch recently. Not long ago, he beat someone from him, and even caused a student of the pharmacist branch to be imprisoned by the dean. I don't know why. What's going on." A male student was talking about these things right under Meng Feifei's nose.

Meng Feifei glanced sideways, the student was sitting not far away from him, so Meng Feifei heard what he said very clearly.

It's just that Meng Feifei was very indifferent.

Anyway, what they said is also the truth. This kind of thing is cleared by itself, and there is no need to defend yourself.

"That's right, I've heard that too, and ah, some people say that our dean actually likes men, you look at Meng Feifei's skin, and at first glance, he is a cheap bone who will attract people's liking." Another male The student whispered to that person's ear.

Meng Feifei originally planned to ignore it, but when he heard the word cheap bone, he still narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then there was a small stone in his hand, which bounced off the back of the head of the person who spoke.

The man was hit on the back of the head by a stone, and when he turned his head, he saw the bewildered eyes of the person in the back seat.

"Did you hit me?" the man asked sharply.

The person sitting in the back shrugged innocently and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." He really saw a stone flying over and hitting the opponent.

The man thought that he refused to admit it, and because he had no evidence, he had no choice but to turn his head and go back, pretending to continue to listen to the class seriously.

The next stone flew past again.

Hit the man on the back of the head again.

"Damn you." The man stood up abruptly, turned his head and punched the person behind him, hitting the person behind him just right in the eye, "I don't show my power, are you easy to bully me?"

The person who was imprisoned by innocence suddenly stood up, grabbed the skirt of the beating person, pulled him out, and pressed his knee against his stomach heavily.

"I sat quietly and listened to the class. You gossip and gossip about the dean in class, but you still want to lead me. It seems that I don't give you any color. Look, don't you know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west? gone?"

After the man finished speaking, he beat him directly to the ground.

"What are you messing around with? Don't you know you are still in class now? Hurry up and quiet me down, and the students next to you, don't you hurry up and pull them away."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, a group of people started to get together noisily. They were originally trying to persuade a fight, but they accidentally got punched a few times.

They were all young men, so they could be beaten casually, so these people beat them back one after another.

All of a sudden, a group of people started to fight together.

(End of this chapter)

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