First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1010 Brother is very powerful now

Chapter 1010 Brother is very powerful now
Meng Feifei hurriedly interrupted Gong Xu's words, and said: "When I was born, my mother died of dystocia, and my father became an alcoholic. He loved to gamble and lost everything in the family. When I was four years old, , we even lost all our houses and fields. In the year when we had nothing, Dad died of drinking too much soon.

Then my elder brother and I were left behind. My elder brother was ten years older than me. Since then, he has been helping other people as a helper, helping to transport goods at the dock, and raising me..."

It was also that year that Meng Feifei learned to cook.

Four-year-old Meng Feifei is very thin due to long-term yin and yang disorders.

Not high enough for the stove.

When cooking, I can only move a high stool, step on it, hold a spatula thicker than my arm, and fry the vegetables hummingly.

Most of the food they eat is wild vegetables, and they can only eat a meal of meat every month on the day when my brother gets his salary.

Meng Feifei never felt that his life was very hard. He didn't even compare and think about why his family was so poor that he couldn't even eat meat, and why other people's families could have a lot of fish and meat, and they could even eat big fish and meat. Throw it to cats and dogs, these pets eat.

It can be seen that their life is not as good as that of a pet.

He has never thought about these issues, and all existing phenomena are normal in his eyes.

For example, it is normal for their family to be poor, and it is also normal for them not to be able to eat meat. When there is meat, they eat a bite of meat, and when there is no meat, they eat wild vegetables.

He can survive anyway, so it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad.

The only time four-year-old Meng Feifei started to turn his head to think was when he watched his peers start going to school.

He didn't have money, so he couldn't go to school. In fact, even if he had money, my brother wouldn't dare to send him there. Meng Feifei was too thin at that time.

Those with small arms and legs will be smashed apart by a fist.

He was also afraid that his younger brother would be bullied in school. Of course, the more important reason was that their family really couldn't afford the money to let Meng Feifei go to school.

However, Meng Feifei only struggled for a day, and after the second day, he went to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, set up some traps occasionally, and caught a game or two like a normal person.

The only difference is that every day when other people walk in front of the house from school to school, he will stand on the threshold of the dilapidated hut and watch these people carry a clean one-piece cloth bag from him. passing by.

"Hey, you silly boy, are you dumb?" Occasionally, people passing by would stop to make fun of and ridicule him collectively.

However, Meng Feifei seemed to be unable to understand the sneer in their words, always looked at them with a pair of pure blank eyes, kept silent, let them finish talking, and then left collectively after feeling bored .

After they left, Meng Feifei's gaze seemed to be glued to the cloth bag behind them, and he was reluctant to look away until he couldn't see it anymore.

One day, my brother saw something strange about Meng Feifei.

The elder brother who was always worried that his younger brother would become a fool hugged Meng Feifei in comfort and asked, "Silly boy, do you also want to go to school to study?"

Meng Feifei blinked his big eyes and said: "Go to school to study? Our family has no money, so we won't go."

The eldest brother touched his younger brother's head sadly, and said with a sob: "I'm sorry, it's all about my brother's uselessness. It would be great if my brother could be more powerful."

"My brother is very good now, and he can help people carry goods to make money, but I can't do it." Meng Feifei looked down at his thin arms and legs.

The thin ones are only skin and bones.

(End of this chapter)

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