Chapter 1014

But he didn't expect that he just let himself agree to a request, instead of asking him to be his person and be with him.

Meng Feifei turned around in astonishment, only seeing Gong Xu's back.

Gong Xu didn't want to turn around, he was afraid that if he looked at him again, he would be reluctant to give up such a good opportunity.

It's very likely, and it's his only chance of getting him.

If lost, he and he may end up only being strangers.

But thinking of Meng Feifei's reaction just now, Gong Xu still held back.

I don't want to make him sad, but I would rather be so painful that my heart almost stops beating.

"Aren't you going? If you don't go, I'm going to regret it." Gong Xu made a gesture to turn around. Seeing this, Meng Feifei was afraid of being frightened, and ran out quickly, not even taking the food box.

Hearing the hurriedly fleeing footsteps behind him, Gong Xu's eyes became hot, and the eyes of the seven-foot man turned red.

Meng Feifei didn't dare to look back, he ran fast, rushed all the way back to the place where he lived, and then stopped.

I found that all the secrets in my hand were scratched by myself.

The book actually got it.

Nor did he ask himself to be his.

Although he made a request, judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was not prepared to make the request so early.

No matter what excessive distribution requests he makes in the future, it will be a while if he can avoid it for a while.

Meng Feifei thought deceitfully.

He put down the book in his hand, only to realize that his palms were covered with sweat.

Wiping off the sweat from his hands, his whole body was limp and powerless, and he slumped down on the edge of the bed, not even having the strength to tell his master the good news.

It can be seen that at that moment just now, he was really frightened.

He touched the chopping knife behind him, and murmured: "Brother, if only you were here." He wanted to see his brother more eagerly than ever.

Meng Feifei tightly grasped the hatchet in his hand, and secretly swore: he must work hard to become stronger.

Meng Feifei thought wildly for a long time, but in the end he didn't know when he fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already dawn.

And he was late.

Meng Feifei, who broke his record of zero lateness, calmly changed his clothes, put on his shoes, hid the "Secrets of the Soul Master" on his chest, opened the door and went out.

I am going to go directly to the pharmacist branch to find the master.

The class that was late was for Bai Yeling, and he didn't like to see Mozun anyway, so since he was late, he simply didn't go to class.

Meng Feifei made calculations and quickly came to the Alchemist branch.

After the last few disturbances, now the people from the alchemist branch would hide away when they saw him, and they didn't dare to speak ill of him anymore.

Meng Feifei quickly found the place where the master was, walked quickly, stood outside the window, and greedily watched the master in class.

The master is still so serious and meticulous in class, and has drawn out all the attention points.

And it's easy to understand.

Even Meng Feifei, a layman, felt that he had learned a lot after listening to half a class at the door.

Jing Ge caught a glimpse of Meng Feifei when he was approaching the window, but because of the teacher's morality, she didn't put down the textbook, went out directly, and asked Meng Feifei what he was doing here.

Wait until get out of class is over.

Jing Ge went out, walked up to Meng Feifei, and asked him: "Don't you also have class? Why did you come here so early? Could it be that you skipped class?"

Being told by the master that something was wrong, two blushes rose on Meng Feifei's cheeks.

He looked at the curious gazes that were constantly cast around him, suddenly grabbed Jing Ge's hand, and walked away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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